The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Last call for ballots!

Today is your last chance to vote in the Feb. 28 International Village Board of Directors election. If you haven't already done so, please cast your ballot no later than 8 p.m. tonight.

Here’s why it’s important to vote to keep John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds working for you:
  • We’re the first board to ever cut maintenance fees three years in a row. (That’s $120 in savings per year for a one-bedroom owner, and $180 in annual savings for a two-bedroom owner compared to 2014.) 
  • We saved over $1 million on the recent 40-year certification.
  • We have completed several building renovations WITHOUT a special assessment and are on our way to completing the remaining buildings.
  • We believe honesty and transparency are the best policy. 

Our opponents, on the other hand, have a record of engaging in self-serving scams, sleazy behavior, dirty tricks and shady deals, and they've refused to rule out pushing through another unnecessary special assessment.  International Village unit owners kicked them off the board several years ago for a good reason, and they’ve given us no reason to put them back in power.

For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds. Drop your ballot in the ballot box in the clubhouse lobby anytime before 7 p.m. If it’s after 7, bring it to the large card room to be counted by the election monitors. For detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola
International Village President

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Vote for continued savings and honesty

Only one day remains until the Feb. 28 International Village Board of Directors election. If you have not already done so, this is your last chance to choose between continuing to move forward or returning to the dirty deals and costly scams of the past.

I and my colleagues Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds are asking for your vote so we can continue saving money while while investing in important improvements like the building renovations that are now nearing completion. With more than $1 million in savings over the last few years and an unprecedented THREE consecutive years of maintenance fee reductions, we have a proven record of getting it done. (The average one-bedroom unit owner is paying $120 less in maintenance fees per year than they did just three years ago, while the average two-bedroom owner is paying $180 less a year in maintenance fees than they did in 2014.)

Our three opponents – Doug Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Dan Coco (aka the “Doug Meyers slate”) – have refused to rule out imposing an unnecessary special assessment and can’t explain why owners should trust them after they scammed us the last time they were in power about seven years. (See the $250,000 scam.”)

Let’s keep moving forward, not backward to the crooked dealings of the past. For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds. Drop off your ballot at the clubhouse no later than this Monday or Tuesday by 8 p.m., as it is too late to mail it in. If you need to make arrangements for someone to pick up your ballot, please let me know by sending me an email at JFLABRIOLA@GMAIL.COM.  For more detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola 
International Village President

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Security over dirty politics

Earlier this week, I announced that the Board of Directors recently hired a new security manager. Three weeks into the job, Austin Freeman formally introduced himself to unit owners at the Feb. 21 Board of Directors meeting and discussed the proactive steps he is taking to enhance all aspects of security at the association. See the video of his presentation HERE.

We’re very excited to have someone with Austin’s impressive background working for us, because we believe that ensuring the safety of the community is our most important responsibility. That’s why it’s so upsetting to see our opponents in this month’s Board election play politics at the expense of security. As I reported earlier this week, the Doug Meyers slate (consisting of Doug Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Dan Coco) appears committed to rehiring our former security manager Elwood Metayer, who was let go several months ago for various performance and conduct issues as well as a concerning rise in security-related incidents during his time at the association. In recent weeks, Doug Meyers has invited Mr. Metayer to International Village a number of times to campaign for his team. As recently as this Wednesday, an observant owner noticed Mr. Metayer’s vehicle parked in front of the St. Moritz building and took this picture of the guest pass on his dashboard showing he was there at Mr. Meyers' invitation. This is no way to play with something as important as security. Promising a dismissed employee his old job back in exchange for his active support in a board election is just wrong. Shame on you, Doug Meyers.

No more dirty politics at the expense of the community's safety. For security and continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez. For detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola
International Village President

Monday, February 20, 2017

Progress vs. Backsliding

The International Village Board of Directors election is just about a week away, and the choice couldn’t be any clearer. It’s a choice between continued progress and savings on the one hand and returning to the reckless spending, shady deals and scandals of the past on the other.

That choice came into sharp focus at last week’s Candidates Night forum. (See video here.) I and my colleagues Board members Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds stood on our record of lowering maintenance for the last three years by saving money while making needed improvements and renovations WITHOUT a special assessment.

Our opponents Douglas Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Daniel Coco (aka the “Doug Meyers slate”) had quite a different vision. For one thing, they refused to rule out another special assessment (even though none is needed), and they failed to make a convincing argument as to why owners should put them back on the board after they betrayed our trust the last time they were in charge about seven years ago. (See the “$250,000 scam.”)

Mr. Meyers also refused to shed light on his recent secret settlement agreement with his once bitter rival Ilan Weiss. As I reported last week, Mr. Meyers dismissed his longstanding libel lawsuit against Weiss less than two months ago, just before announcing his candidacy for the board and obtaining Mr. Weiss’ endorsement. I asked Mr. Meyers if he dropped the lawsuit as part of an agreement if elected to forgive Mr. Weiss’ very substantial debt with the association in exchange for Weiss’ support in the election. But Mr. Meyers refused to reveal the terms of his secret deal with Weiss, citing confidentiality. That’s just not good enough, considering Mr. Weiss owes the association tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees after losing his latest lawsuit against the association (and has used various delaying tactics to avoid paying until after the election). Given the circumstances, we have every reason to be suspicious.

But the phrase “I can’t answer that here” was unfortunately Mr. Meyers’ most frequent answer to owners’ questions on a variety of topics, especially if they dealt with his reputation for not playing by the rules. The most dramatic moment of the night came when a member of the sales and leasing committee produced this complaint letter from one of Mr. Meyers’ former tenants involving serious allegations of rule-breaking and even swindling. Mr. Meyers said he couldn’t talk about it because it was going to wind up court.

Mr. Meyers’ team also made some unfortunately false statements regarding security in an apparent attempt at fear-mongering. This was especially galling considering their rumored plans to rehire a former security chief who was the subject of a number of complaints during his time at the association. Our new security manager Austin Freeman, who started Feb. 1, is a consummate professional with a solid background in handling security for large properties, and I strongly oppose our opponents’ apparent desire to replace him with a less-qualified former employee. The Doug Meyers team’s willingness to play politics at the expense of security is just one more reason why they can’t be trusted.

For continued progress, savings and honest dealing, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez. Your vote must be received by Feb. 28, so if you haven't done so already, please drop it off at the association office or mail it in as soon as possible. For detailed instructions on voting, click here and then scroll down.

John Labriola
International Village President

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The biggest scam of all?

Several months ago, I reported that unit owner Ilan Weiss had lost his latest lawsuit against International Village and would now be responsible for reimbursing the association for all its legal fees in that case. However, through various delaying tactics by his attorney, Mr. Weiss has so far avoided paying the tens of thousands of dollars he owes us. At first sight, his strategy of postponing the inevitable makes no sense, since it will only increase the final amount of his bill to the association. But when considered in light of this month's upcoming board of directors election, there appears to be a sickening method to his madness. Over the last couple of months, two things have happened that lead us to believe Mr. Weiss is counting on his debt being “forgiven” if the slate of Douglas Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Daniel Coco is elected.

First, Mr. Weiss who has otherwise been unusually silent for most of the last several months recently signed on to an email blast urging units owners to vote for the Doug Meyers slate. This came as a shock to a lot of owners. They could not understand how Mr. Weiss who over the last several years has bitterly attacked Mr. Meyers with terms such as crook, dishonest weasel, thief, and “poisonous snake” in countless email blasts, and who has filed multiple lawsuits against him and his family could now be supporting Meyers as a candidate for the Board.

Second, and perhaps even more significantly, Mr. Meyers and Mr. Weiss recently came to an apparently amicable settlement of a lawsuit that had been dragging on between them for five years. Meyers had filed a defamation lawsuit against Weiss in 2012 over Weiss’ many blast emails attacking Meyers, especially for his role in the so-called "$250,000 real estate scam." But at a Dec. 22, 2016 mediation less than a month before Mr. Meyers and his slate filed their candidacy papers for the board election the conflict was “completely resolved,” according to court records. 

Owners have a right to know the terms of this settlement, since Mr. Meyers is now a candidate for the Board and Mr. Weiss is supporting him in a sudden and highly suspicious change of heart about Mr. Meyers’ fitness for the Board. Was there a quid pro quo? Did Weiss agree to support Meyers’ candidacy in exchange for Meyers dropping his lawsuit and promising, if elected, to let Weiss get away without paying the tens of thousands of dollars he owes the association (and which he has been avoiding paying until after the election)?

Owners will have the opportunity to ask Mr. Meyers and his slate this and other questions at a Candidates Night forum tonight (Monday, Feb. 13) at 7:15 p.m. in the clubhouse. We deserve answers!

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The $250,000 scam

A few years ago, I informed International Village unit owners about a $56,500 settlement that the 2013 board of directors under then-president Marvin Tow awarded unit owner Ilan Weiss. You may recall that the settlement came in a lawsuit filed by Mr. Weiss against the association over a highly suspicious action taken by the 2010 board of directors at the urging of then-board member Douglas Meyers – one of the candidates in this month’s board election.

On May 8, 2010, the Doug Meyers board voted to “forgive” a total of $4,100 in past-due maintenance fees on two apartment units that were being purchased in the name of then-board member Edwin Kaufman, Mr. Meyers’ stepfather.  Mr. Kaufman, a retired New York attorney, is well known as a “straw buyer” for Mr. Meyers, who has publicly bragged that he owns 25 apartment units in International Village through various relatives including Mr. Kaufman. The two apartments that were the subject of the May 2010 meeting were S1E, a two-bedroom unit with no mortgage that he purchased for only $38,000 after getting the board to waive $2,500 in past-due maintenance; and  S3R, a jumbo studio also with no mortgage which he picked up for a mere $25,000 after persuading his colleagues on the board to write off $1,600 in delinquent fees. (The sellers were both indigent and desperate, and one was in a nursing home, making them vulnerable to being taken advantage of.)

The questionable 2010 board transaction wasn’t even listed on the posted notice for the meeting, despite the fact that it was the sole purpose of the meeting! Instead, it was added to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting as an “emergency” item. This violated several statutory notice requirements (not to mention conflict-of-interest statutes), since it wasn’t an emergency except in the mind of Mr. Meyers, who stood to profit from cheating the association of $4,100 in past-due maintenance fees so he could pick up two apartments dirt-cheap, preferably without anybody finding out about it.

Adding insult to injury, Mr. Meyers and Mr. Kaufman both refused to identify the buyer for the first 25 minutes of the meeting, despite many requests to do so from owners in attendance. Mr. Meyers initially went so far as to falsely claim that he had “nothing to do with the items,” even though title to one of the two apartments was transferred to Mr. Meyers through a quit-claim deed just four months later.  (The unit remains in Mr. Meyers’ name to this day.)

The motion to approve this dirty deal was made by then-board member Stuart Wolff, who
no surprise is running on Mr. Meyers’ slate in this month’s Board of Directors election along with Mr. Meyers’ other associate, ex-board member Daniel Coco.

Watch highlights of the meeting HERE. It gets pretty intense as the meeting descends into a near-brawl before security intervenes. (Doug Meyers is the guy with the headband, Edwin Kaufman is the older gentleman with the white shirt and glasses, and Stuart Wolff is the fellow on the right in the green shirt and Army cap.)

This fraudulent transaction soon led to a lawsuit by Mr. Weiss, who as most owners know needs very little provocation to sue the Village. Although Mr. Weiss had pledged to use his lawsuit to restore the $4,100 to the association, he kept every penny of his $56,500 settlement, and the lawsuit also failed to compel Mr. Meyers to reimburse the money to the association, although Mr. Meyers probably could have made the lawsuit go away at any point during the more than two years that it dragged on
and saved the association a lot of trouble and expense by simply writing International Village a check for $4,100. But he refused to even consider doing so. Why? Was it ego? Was it greed? Or both? All around, the whole mess was a very raw deal for the association. But it was worse far worse. In addition to the $56,500 settlement the association paid Mr. Weiss, the lawsuit cost the association and its insurance company about $200,000 in legal fees to defend for a grand total of over $250,000.

So if Doug Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Daniel Coco come around asking for your vote to put them back on the board again, just say no. Because we definitely don’t need to get scammed all over again.

For honesty and continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez.

John Labriola
International Village President

Monday, February 6, 2017

Vote for continued progress at International Village!

By now, most of you should have received or will soon be receiving your voting package for the Feb. 28 International Village election and annual meeting.

Your vote in the Board of Directors election will help determine whether we can continue building on the successes of the last few years, during which we cut maintenance fees three years in a row, completed most of our ongoing building renovations, installed new efficient washers and dryers, obtained a long-sought refinance of the 2006 Wilma loan, and avoided a long-expected special assessment by saving more than $1 million on our recent 40-year certification.

I’m running for reelection because I want International Village to keep moving in the right direction of saving money while investing in important projects like the building renovations. But I’ll need the help of a good team, which is why I’m asking you to also reelect my two fellow Board members who have worked with me over the last couple of years to achieve these goals: Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez.

Colbert “Carl” Simmonds joined the Board in September 2014. A retired database manager for Citibank, he possesses a strong managerial background and capacity for teamwork as well as a commitment to honesty and cost savings.

Luis Jimenez joined the Board in 2015. A systems engineer for Hewlett Packard whose work involves minimizing costs by maximizing efficiency, he is looking forward to continue using his business background and experience to help International Village stay safe, beautiful and financially sound.

As for me, John Labriola, I joined the Board of Directors four years ago with the promise to look for ways to save money so owners could keep more of their hard-earned money, and I’m proud to say I have been keeping that promise. I have a background in journalism, and if reelected I will continue to keep unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community at

I'm asking you to vote for the team that will keep International Village moving forward. For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez.


Complete your ballot and place it inside the envelope marked “BALLOT.” Then place the sealed “BALLOT” envelope inside the envelope marked “Return Envelope for Board Election” and seal it. Print your name, address and building/unit number on the outer envelope, and be sure to sign it or it will not count. (If you own more than one unit, you must repeat this process for each unit.) Place sufficient postage on the envelope and mail it in, or drop it off at the association office.

If your unit is owned by more than one person and you have not already designated a voting representative for your unit, you must fill out this Voting Certificate and email a scanned copy or picture of it to JFLABRIOLA@GMAIL.COM or fax it to 954-486-5677, or bring it to the office. Do not include it in your ballot envelope.

Your vote must be received by Feb. 28, so please please bring it to the clubhouse or mail it in as soon as possible. If you need someone to pick it up for you, send me an email at JFLABRIOLA@GMAIL.COM.

John Labriola
International Village President