The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community



Robert "Bob" Yoanidis
Richard "Rabbit" Young
Vice President
Murat Kizikli
Kirk Williams

Christine Bates


Nancy Ayala, Property Manager
Phone: 954-484-9106
Fax: 954-486-5677

Mailing Address:
International Village Association Inc.
3700 Inverrary Dr. #101
Lauderhill FL 33319


  1. I agree with Mr. Labriola's position to hold the board meeting to replace the resigning board member when unit owners and all board members have had an opportunity to review candidates and attend a meeting.

  2. I completely agree with Mr. Labriol's viewpoints in regards to replacing the resigning Board Memember. Unit Owners should have a right to review candidates and attend the meeting. Not surprised though, look at good and welfare, now at the end of the BOD meeting.

  3. I absolutely agree with Mr. Labriola's positon.
    Having lived here for over 11 years and experienced some of the unethical and illegal behavior of previous Board Members and their Cronies I regretfully have to sign this as anonymous


    1. you must be a MOB, or someone who benefits either financially or otherwise
      from their actions

  5. Please let run this place as a great place to live in, keep this place in good condition, this place is not for the rich or the poor this place is a home to many people from all level of life.

    just we have to be good to each other and togther we have a great home to live in.

    1. We need Mr. Labriola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he handles himself well, he fights not only for himself but for all the rest of us poor folks who live in the "IV Country Club."

  6. With this bunch showing up at meetings only to interrupt and yell at board members, a kindergarden teacher should also have been invited.

  7. I personally feel we need to recall four of the current BOD who are looking to give us another assessment. These same four worked diligently to take the BOD from nine to seven just so they themselves could control the BOD. Now we are at their mercy. Wake up and open your eyes, those same four BOD are hypocrites, they are far from transparent. They make decisions behind closed doors, you never know what they are doing. I am glad you write John, someone needs to state the truth. Again these four BOD need to be recalled. You are correct it is a ashame, but unfortunatley we need to write our names Anonymous because I know that these four BOD would retaliate one way or another.

    1. Just watched the video of the BOD on Monday evening. As usual, no common sense. Water proof diapers or swimmies are safe for the pool... I have seen ducks swimming in the pool in the evening and early morning leaving feces behind and they are worried about a small child. More adults where diapers in the pool in this community than children. Ridiculous, they are discriminating against small children.
      On another note, the decision to lease the beauty shop back to Anna Maria that was made was extremely poor and from my viewpoint, it was a conflict of interest for any BOD to have voted on this who utilizes her services. Several of them do and this should also have been advertised that this space was for rent. This village could have found someone to rent the space more suitable than this person. This BOD selectively asked her to come back to the village with their own agenda of possibly free haircuts in my opinion.
      The very end of the meeting when Good and Welfare was allowed the latest BOD Ms. Best, showed her Best right on the video when she mocked a unit owner as she was walking to the bathroom. That just showed her true nature. The Best showed who the Best really was…. Not polite.

  8. I recently saw the posting for the BOD meeting on Monday. To much disappointment I see that the BOD is considering the unnecessary and very costly installation of speed humps. It was my understanding that the project committee had rejected this item. Apparently, the project committee are wasting their time since the BOD do not head their advise. Speed humps are a waste of owners money. They serve no purpose. They cost money to upkeep. Ridiculous as usual. I am sure Tow and his puppets will approve them. Get ready for an assessment, I feel it coming.

  9. I am sick of being assessed, is there no end to this madness! Oh, I wish I could leave IV behind, but, alas, I can't! No more assessment please . . .

  10. Thank you John for your diligence in watching the BOD and their self interested illegal and unethical behavior! We DO NOT need another speed bump disaster or cameras. As previous trials showed, cameras DO NOT prevent theft.
    And Oh My God, Adults use diapers in the pool? I will never use the pool again, and kids with diapers belong in a kiddie pool! There must be a health regulation against that

  11. Hello Everyone --

    One truth I learned about managing my own budget is that it is better to earn interest than to pay interest. As long as we continue to waive the reserves, we will always have to run around in a crisis to get loans. Reserves -- savings -- earn interest and grow. We pay interest on loans. Waiving reserves is short-sighted, and I have long been against this.

    No board member should be able to charge a cell phone to the association. We are better off creating reserves than engaging in frivolous projects.

  12. Since when do we pay personal cell phones? What else do we pay that we did not know about?

  13. If we think logically,how on earth can the owners be expected to pay an increase in maintenance annually, plus assessments when the property value is worth very little? I V is a bottomless pit,always want more and more money! Where does the money go? These days,jobs are hard to come by,no one is getting increases,not even those under big unions! People are only too glad to have a job,what with no food stamps! Come on IV be reasonable!

  14. This unethical behavior must not be allowed to continue,let us try and clean this house ASAP. the four amigo on the BOD must go before there's a total collapse Just think if John was not there to inform us of what is going on.

  15. If there is any doubt that this BOD are as corrupt as corruption can get then take note of their action at the last board meeting that speak volume of how dishonest they are, they cannot be shamed for they don't know what shame is with the exception of two people (John and Jerry) We must explore all possible means to rid ourselves of this Cancer.

  16. Condo Owner Blocks Association from Collecting Assessment

    By Lisa Magill on November 11th, 2009

    Posted in Arbitration & Court Rulings, Assessment Collection

    Appellate Court Allows Owner to Seek Injunctive Relief and Reverses Award of Attorney’s Fees and Costs.

    In Mitchell v. Beach Club of Hallandale Condominium Association, Inc., 17 So.3d 1265 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009), the Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled that a condominium owner has the right to proceed with a lawsuit aimed at preventing the association from collecting a special assessment.

    The association levied an assessment for close to $1.3 million and sought to collect $4,194 from each unit owner. One of the unit owners objected to the process and filed a lawsuit to prevent the association from collecting the assessment. The association’s attorney filed a motion to dismiss the case and ultimately convinced the trial court to rule in its favor. The trial court later awarded the association attorney’s fees and costs as the ‘prevailing party’ in the lawsuit.

    The appellate court totally disagreed and reversed the trial court ruling. It found:
    1.Mandatory non-binding arbitration pursuant to Section 718.1255, Florida Statutes was not necessary, as the statute itself excludes any disputes relating to the imposition or collection of an assessment;
    2.The Court had jurisdiction to address the claim even though the amount of the assessment against this particular owner was less than $5,000, since the owner sought injunctive relief, not any monetary relief; and
    3.Injunctive relief was appropriate to prevent or to challenge a violation of the Condominium Act pursuant to Section 718.303, Florida Statutes.

    The complaint filed by the owner alleged that the association failed to give proper notice of the meeting, failed to obtain a quorum and it used expired proxies. Since the special assessment would be invalid if those claims were true, the complaint was sufficient “to warrant a permanent injunction”.

    This case shows that every association needs to maintain the records necessary to prove it adopted assessments (whether special or annual) properly. Otherwise it may lose the ability to collect those assessments and create expensive, time consuming and acrimonious legal disputes if some owners pay and others do not. Thus, records indicating which and how many owners participated in a meeting (in person or by proxy) are important, as is a verifiable registration procedure. All voting documents, ballots, proxies and sign-in sheets must be retained for at least one (1) year and notices, affidavits or proof of mailing and the minutes of those meetings retained for seven (7) years.

    Please contact us if your association needs assistance creating a records retention policy or procedures governing unit owner inspection and photocopying of official records.






  17. Thank G-d the unit owners of I.V. were given an opportunity to express their concerns re: the unilateral decisions Jaspan is making without Board members voting. Being that he is a novice in all things, it is going to cost us more than an assessment if he is going to continue to go over management's head as well as the rest of the Board. Ms. Wendy must be reigned in and stop giving orders without the Board voting on a motion. It is a frightening situation to have these reckless, power mad people on the Board with our lives and monies in their hands. Don't be deceived by their slippery ways. They have a hidden agenda and it is going to cost all of us!

    1. People voted for a change because we were fed up with all the stupidity from the previous board and now that we have a change you little group of retarded want to remove them from the board, ARE YOU CRAZY? I say give them a chance and let them do their job, and you bunch of losers better find a hobby to keep yourselves busy. They are professionals who know what they are doing, not like Melbin Tow who is a poppet with not business background whatsoever, (better yet: not brain), and Marc Richman who is a drunk and a disgrace to our community.

  18. Yeah! I agreed, we need to give this new board members the opportunity to prove themselves. They are young and they are bringing something new to our community. We voted for a change and we have it! All of the past members and the old ones who are still there, don't like changes. They live in the past and refuse to accept the fact that young people are taking over, but our young community is the majority now whether they like it or not. The old board all they want is to spend money for no reason, but they did not do anything to improve our community plus they want to approve another assessment. People be smart and don't pay attention to the blast email running around because they are ALL lies!


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