The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community


2/5/19 Candidates Night

2/28/19 Board of Directors organizational meeting
2/19/19 Board of Directors meeting
1/22/19 Board of Directors meeting (end missing due to technical issues)
1/15/19 Budget meeting
12/27/18 Budget meeting
12/18/18 Board of Directors meting
11/27/18 Board of Directors meeting
10/23/18 Board of Directors meeting (end missing due to technical issues)
9/25/18 Board of Directors meeting (audio only)
8/30/18 Board of Directors special meeting
6/26/18 Board of Directors meeting
5/22/18 Board of Directors meeting
4/24/18 Board of Directors meeting
3/27/18 Board of Directors meeting (end missing due to technical issues)
3/6/18 Board of Directors organizational meeting
1/23/18 Board of Directors meeting (end missing due to technical issues)
12/5/17 Special membership and budget meeting
11/21/17 Board of Directors meeting (end missing due to technical issues)
10/24/17 Board of Directors meeting
9/26/17 Board of Directors meeting   
6/27/17 Board of Directors meeting 
5/23/17 Board of Directors meeting
4/25/17 Board of Directors meeting 
3/21/17 Board of Directors meeting
3/9/17 Board of Directors organizational meeting   
2/21/17 Board of Directors meeting
1/24/17 Board of Directors meeting
1/10/17 Board of Directors special meeting 
12/20/16 Board of Directors meeting
12/6/16 Budget meeting
11/22/16 Board of Directors meeting
10/31/16 Board of Directors meeting  
8/23/16 Board of Directors meeting
6/28/16 Board of Directors meeting
5/24/16 Board of Directors meeting 
4/26/16 Board of Directors meeting 
3/29/16 Special Board meeting

3/22/16 Board of Directors meeting

2/23/16 Board of Directors meeting
2/1/16 Board of Directors special meeting

12/8/15 Budget meeting
10/27/15 Board of Directors meeting
9/29/15 Board of Directors meeting
8/25/15 Board of Directors meeting
7/28/15 Board of Directors meeting
6/23/15 Board of Directors meeting
5/26/15 Board of Directors meeting
5/19/15 Board of Directors special meeting
4/28/15 Board of Directors meeting
3/24/15 Board of Directors meeting
3/2/15 Board Organizational Meeting
2/17/15 Board of Directors meeting
1/27/15 Board of Directors meeting
12/16/14 Board of Directors meeting (End missing due to technical issues)

12/9/14 Budget meeting
11/18/14 Board of Directors meeting
10/28/14 Board of Directors meeting
9/23/14 Board of Directors meeting
9/9/14 Special Board meeting
6/24/14 Board of Directors meeting
5/27/14 Board of Directors meeting

4/22/14 Board of Directors meeting 
4/16/14 Special Board meeting
4/1/14 Special Board meeting
3/25/14 Board of Directors meeting
2/26/14 Board of Directors organizational meeting
1/27/14 Special Board meeting to renew insurance 
1/20/14 Board of Directors meeting
1/13/14 Special Board meeting
12/17/13 Budget meeting
12/16/13 Board of Directors meeting
11/18/13 Board of Directors meeting
11/11/13 Special Board meeting on security
10/21/13 Board of Directors meeting
9/16/13 Board of Directors meeting
8/19/13 Board of Directors meeting
6/10/13 Special Board meeting
5/30/13 Special Board meeting
5/20/13 Board of Directors meeting
5/1/13 Special meeting to fill Board vacancy
4/15/13 Board of Directors meeting
3/18/13 Board of Directors meeting - First regular meeting of the Board of Directors following the February 2013 elections. Extensive discussion of the $22,000 Engineering Report. Approval of handicap-accessible door under false pretenses.
2/18/13 Board of Directors meeting
Older Videos - Click here for older videos.

12/4/13 Safety & Security Committee meeting

9/17/13 Projects Committee meeting - Approval of recommendation for an approximately $150,000 surveillance system consisting of 26 cameras per building
6/8/13 Projects Committee meeting - Approval of recommendations for tree trimming and speed hump demonstration project
5/22/13 Projects Committee meeting - Second meeting of the Projects Committee, approving recommendation for clubhouse roof replacement
3/7/13 Projects Committee meeting - First meeting of the Projects Committee, to discuss the 40-year certification process and the $22,000 engineering report

4/9/13 Town Hall meeting - Guest engineer Fitz Harris discusses 40-year certification process and our engineering report
Older Videos - Click HERE for older videos.

2/5/19 Candidates Night 
8/7/18 Congressional and School Board Candidates Forum 

2/27/18 Board Election Results Announcement 

2/13/18 Candidates Night 
2/13/17 Candidates Night  
2/10/15 Candidates Night
3/31/15 Special Membership Meeting on Doc Amendments
Labor Day 2014 Party
6/17/14 AMG plaque removal - A hated symbol of tyranny comes down.
2/18/14 Election Results Announcement
2/6/14 Candidates Night
12/17/13 Budget proxy reserves waiver meeting
6/13/13 Play Area Discussion community meeting
6/1/13 Party Performance 

2/28/17 Board election results announcement 
Security manager Austin Freeman


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Besides the pool, what have the assessment money been used for?

  3. I thought it was to pay on the assessment for Wachovia and that is where it went. I am not happy about it at all, as we paid our assessments off when we purchased our condo. Now we are paying for the same assessment again it appears. The pool money from my understanding was put aside long before the assessment. I could be wrong.

  4. think the board should have put someone in Sharon her place who can help us a lot with there expertise and who can help the village save money. Sharon the ex board member actions towards the village has been very unfair , because she must have known that she was not going to be on the board any longer . the day of the election she was no were to be found , after the election she never showed up for any board meeting . We the people could have put 4 people to run instead of 3 , all this makes me wonder . Was this planned to put who ever the board wanting to put. hope that this new board member has a mind of her own .and not be saying yes to every thing the president wants her to say .

  5. Sharon had every intention to wait until after the election to resign from the BOD. This who place Sandy on the BOD was planned prior to the election. These four BOD that placed Sandy on the BOD are sneaky and underhanded. It was a set up by Marvin, Sandy, Collete and Mark. They are leading the owners to a slaughter watch and see.

  6. I am very concerned about the way the village board members, especially the "Gang of 5" treat their newest member John, and deliberately circumvent any discussions John and Jerry initiates. It is very disturbing to see the collusion (whispers and rolling of the eyes) between Marc Richmond and Collette (whatever her last is).

    One can't help but wonder if the "Gang of Five (including Marvin and Marc's shoo-in for the Board" aren't purposely excluding John's and Jerry's input in the decision-making process? Talk about unethical behavior? This Gang of 5, and who knows (with the input of the previous board president), are all rooting to evict us from our hard earned dwellings!

  7. I watched the video from last nights meeting. The ending shows exactly what Mr. Weiss is about. Throwing punches..... Also observing the behavior of Mr. Richman. These are adults? Worse than five year old children the way they act. I am thoroughly disgusted that they are wasting even more owners money on another mailing, wasting owners time again to have to vote and then mail it in. There is no reason for another mailing. Now I vote for only three candidates. I have no interest in the fourth. I would never re-elect the other three present BOD. There behavior is despicable. There answer to everything is raise the maintenance and assess the owners.

  8. John, I wish you the best of luck.... You in my opinion you are being set up and abused by certain BOD and a few owners.

    I am personally disgusted with the present BOD of International Village. This majority of the present BOD take credit and utilized ideas that were never their own but others. This present BOD majority only mimicked the previous Boards you so harshly condemned and made inaccurate accusations against. This present majority of BOD display of making another BOD a scape goat shows what cowards they actually are. This current majority of BOD misrepresent themselves consistently and hide by placing blame on others. Transparency…. LMAO……

    In my opinion I feel you all live under the thumb of Mr. Ilan Weiss, the biggest trouble maker ever in the history of International Village Association. I have reviewed his past and prior emails over the years and he contradicts himself from one BOD to the next. He condemns and criticizes anyone who does not do as he says. Well we can all see who is following his condo command. Be very careful my fellow unit owners as you could be next to fall under his wrath. It is not pleasant. It can literally make you ill and depressed. In my opinion he enjoys every minute of the torture he puts you through.

    The letter I just read that came with the new ballot is despicable and disgusting. To send out something that is this unfounded and to condemn another board of director without true and accurate information is in my opinion a law suit. I for one would be more than willing to testify as I know that it is not accurate information.
    This present majority of BOD is a total disappointment to me. The only answer you have to solve issues is to raise maintenance, blame the past and to assess owners. I reviewed the foreclosures that are happening here in our village, the short sales, the sales of units and prices and conditions. It is overwhelming. Why is this? Simple… People cannot live here with all the increases, with this Condo Commando Board of Directors. People are disgusted. We have many issues that have not been transparent, but hidden. Of course this is my opinion. Also if prices are increasing for units it is because after years the economy is increasing. Do not let this present majority of BOD take credit for something they have no control over. Watch the news, read the newspaper. It has nothing to with them.

    The majority of this BOD seems to place themselves high on a pedestal, yet I know the truth about many of your hidden secrets. Unlike you, I do not need to go there. I was not left my condo or a huge inheritance from my deceased spouses. I actually work for a living and earned my money and condo. I do not pretend to be someone I am not. Transparency, I see nothing but lies. Of course this is just my humble opinion. Maybe we should drug test a few BOD for illegal drugs. A hair test would work. That will show for months what they actually do that is illegal. Do we want someone on this BOD who makes decisions that smokes Marijuana? Do we want someone on this BOD who is irrational due to illegal drug use? Of course this is just my opinion. But I firmly believe all BOD should have to undergo a illicit drug testing to be able to even run for the BOD let alone be on the BOD. Just to protect the owners on bad decision making.

    I personally will only vote for three BOD…. Wendy, Marco and Duv… To vote for anyone else would be a mistake. Maybe the owners need to start a recall for two more of Mr. Ilan Weiss’s protégés and move forward. Of course that is just my opinion. I surely do not need to name them.

    Went to the meeting, couldn't stand how they asked for a one sided raise of hands. Couldn't stand how it was manipulated. Again, just my opinion. Made me sick to my stomach and couldn't tolerate watching this performance of acting.

    Then I watched the video. OMG.... Unfoundedly disgusting behavior.
    God Bless International Village, for sure we need it.
    Truly Disgusted Owner...


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