The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community



2017 Proxy for Budget and Amendment
2014 Approved Budget
2014 Proposed Budget and Cover letter
2013 Budget
2012 Budget
2014 Financial Audit
2013 Financial Audit and adjusting journal entries  

2012 Financial Audit

2011 Financial Audit
2010 Financial Audit and adjusting journal entries
Engineering Full Report - The full $22,000 engineering report of recommended building improvements 
Engineering Report Summary - Summary of the report
Engineering Report Free Reinspection Letter - Letter from Criterium Engineers agreeing to update the engineering report within five years at no extra charge
Engineering Report Contract 
Engineering Report maintenance schedule
Misleading letter from Criterium Inspection Engineers
Wilma Special Assessment Early Payoff Bonus
Voting Certificate
DBPR camera petition denial letter
2014 Election Tally
Cameras ruled a Material Alteration - Recent arbitration ruling that the installation of "security" cameras is a Material Alteration requiring approval by vote of unit owners 

4/22/14 Board meeting
1/20/14 Board meeting
12/16/13 Board meeting
11/18/13 Board meeting
10/21/13 Board meeting
9/16/13 Board meeting
8/19/13 Board meeting
6/10/13 Special Board meeting
5/30/13 Special Board meeting
5/20/13 Board meeting
5/1/13 Special Board meeting 

4/15/13 Board meeting  

3/18/13 Board meeting

MEETING MINUTES (Minutes sometimes include Sales & Lease and Treasurer reports. Some minutes are included in Board Meeting Agenda Packages, above.)  

Click HERE for minutes.

(Note: More recent reports are included in Board Meeting Agenda Packages, above.)
April 2013 Treasurer's Report
March 2013 Treasurer's Report
February 2013 Treasurer's Report

(Note: More recent reports are included in Board Meeting Agenda Packages, above.)
May-August 2013 Sales & Lease Committee Reports
April 2013 Sales & Lease Committee Reports
March 2013 Sales & Lease Committee Reports
February 2013 Sales & Lease Committee Reports


John Labriola
Colbert "Carl" Simmonds
Luis Jimenez  

Governing Docs
Declaration of Condo
Articles of Incorporation
Rules & Regulations
Association attorney's cameras opinion
Clubhouse roof winning bid
Special Assessment Membership Package - Package explaining special assessment, in English and Spanish
Preventative Maintenance Schedule
Condo handicap accessibility rules under Fair Housing Act - Statement from the Justice Department confirming that individual owners are financially responsible for any disabled accessibility modifications under the Fair Housing Act.
Association attorney's apology letter
Passive-aggressive attorney apologizes for his lousy advice on the handicap-door issue.
$56,500 settlement with Ilan Weiss - This shameful settlement  awarding $56,000 to a despicable individual who has made a fortune off of suing this condo association  was approved by the Board of Directors in a secret "closed" meeting which unit owners were not allowed to attend.
Citizens Property Insurance non-renewal notice 
$15,000 Lawn Logic tree trimming invoice
$30,000 NPS tree trimming bid
Procedures for individual unit owner camera installation
2014 withdrawn candidate


  1. Thank you for posting this.

    This is what we have been waiting for; documents available on line for owners to view.

  2. Would it be possible to get a list of the non-occupied and the delinquent units?

  3. I live in a condo association where not only some board members are bullies, but their supporters as well. We voted for a new board; let them do the job that for which they volunteered!

    Almost every day my mail box is filled with mean-spirited and vitriolic emails from one individual who constantly threatens and criticizes the new president and the new officers. He’s made them the targets of character assassinations, false, vicious lies/rumors and attacks at full force.

    In my opinion, this is a smear campaign to discredit and ruin the reputations of the board’s majority.

    There may also begin a petition to unjustly recall the board majority (based on false accusations) to suit their agendas. The recall will most likely happen simply because some disgruntled villagers, including the bullying board members, are using scare tactics and lies to con others in the community to sign the petition. It is disgusting and sad to see this going on, especially since the majority of the board is trying to fulfill their obligations as board members – to protect the community and the community’s fiduciary interest.

    Whose interests are the bullies serving? Their own! They are more interested in protecting their own interests rather than the interests of the community.

    To make matters worse, a unit owner who is a staunch supporter of the “old board” has taken it upon his head to go to the City of Lauderhill to incite and expedite an early 40-Year inspection on the Village.

    No doubt the ones who are cheering him on can well afford to not only buy my property, but yours too. Unit owners, it’s time to stand up and be counted. It’s time to let your voices be heard if you truly care about your property in the Village, be sure to attend the next Board meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse.

    I am too fed up with this unprofessional and immature behavior!


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