The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Good news for International Village

I’m pleased to announce that International Village has been approved for a two-year refinance of our Hurricane Wilma loan, which had been set to balloon this month. Home Federal Bank will be taking over the loan from Wells Fargo at an interest rate of only 4.375 percent. That’s less than the 5 percent interest we were paying Wells Fargo. The loan will run through the term of the existing Wilma special assessment, which ends in August 2018, allowing the association to continue meeting its obligations without having to cut into its operating funds to pay off the loan two years early. This is really good news, and it’s thanks to the association’s strong financials and the current board’s very proactive approach to reducing our delinquency rate, which put us in an excellent position to obtain approval for our loan refinance application.

I’m also very happy to report that Ilan Weiss has lost his latest frivolous lawsuit against the association. As you may recall, Mr. Weiss was beaten badly when he ran for the Board of Directors in 2015, receiving only 20 percent of the vote. Not willing to accept the clear mandate of the owners who overwhelmingly rejected his candidacy, Mr. Weiss sued the association claiming election fraud, earning him the well deserved label of sore loser. The association’s insurance company (as usual) recommended that the board give Mr. Weiss money to drop the case, but the board stood firm and decided to fight instead. The decision paid off.  After losing his case at the lower level, Mr. Weiss appealed it to the circuit court, dragging the case out for well over a year in the hopes that the board would eventually give up and offer him a settlement. It didn’t happen, and Mr. Weiss finally saw the handwriting on the wall and dropped his bogus lawsuit. As the twice-over loser, he will now be required to pay ALL the association's attorney fees in the case. His bill will run in the tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe this will teach him to think twice before filing another frivolous lawsuit.

In other news, the association recently hired a new security manager. Donnahue George, who started early this month, possesses an impressive background in security and emergency management, including working as a corrections officer in New York City. Over the last few weeks he has been hard at work addressing past shortcomings and implementing a number of important improvements to our security system here at International Village, including identifying and evicting unauthorized tenants and working with management to provide the guardhouse with computerized access to resident information. Please join me in welcoming him to the association.

John Labriola
International Village President


  1. I hate coming on here and having to post again. Donnahue George ... how was he hired? Direct or through an agency? Did you perform a background check?

    If you look at his Facebook info and you look at his Linkedin info; they don't mesh. Forget about the fact that he's got some highly inappropriate photos on his Facebook page, or that he may be a deadbeat dad ( based on the comments posted by his son on one of his pics ). The fact still remains that his professional background is in question.

    Here are the links to the LinkedIn page and the Facebook page:

    On his LinkedIn page, he said that he attended John Jay College, yet on his Facebook page he posted that he attended Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. So, did he go to college in Brooklyn or did he go to college in the Dominican Republic? What else is he lying about? His LinkedIn profile also states that he is a Private Investigator whose specialty is Insurance Fraud. Or maybe he is the one committing fraud. Did you verify his professional licenses?

    You could go and ask him about these discrepancies. Or you could do the right thing and run a detailed background check on him. I hope you do the latter.

    Lying about a professional background to get a job like this is a common thing here in Florida. The applicants lie because they know these associations aren't going to pay up in order to have a reliable background check performed. They also know that most of these associations won't even take the time to do a simple Google search and review their public information. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious consequences. For example, these applicants who obtain these positions Security Supervisors and Manager under false pretenses can exploit vulnerabilities in a community and take advantage of the residents who live here. Fraud, robbery, theft, vandalism, etc. are all things that have occurred by people like this.

    Please look into this. It's sort of like another Zack Karmali situation. I would advise you to keep this to yourself before you're ready to address it and take screenshots of the information you are obtaining via the web. I say this, because if word gets out, he could change his information to make it look like it's legit. And again, please consider having a proper background check done. The community can't afford to have another fraudster/liar holding any sort of position.

    Good luck.

  2. I know I just posted regarding Donnahue George. Well, I'm posting again. Had you guys done a simple quotation search for "Donnahue George", you would've realized he was full of BS. I'm still doing research. This guy has lived all of the place. NY, Delaware, NC, Dominican Republic, etc. He's had many legal issues...both personally and professionally. So, from what I can see so far, he's lying about his professional background and he's had some personal and professional legal issues. God only knows what scheme he's trying to run here.

  3. Read page 3 on this link regarding Donnahue George.....

  4. This is incredible the security manager does not have a D security license, awesome guys

    1. Did you read my posts? IV continues to drop the ball. Donnahue George is a fraud. His background is false. He was a lawyer that got disbarred. In addition, he owed 70K+, so he took his ass to the Dominican Republic to avoid that issue. He's also a deadbeat dad. So, we replace one fraud with another. Go figure.

  5. Is this going to be addressed? Donnahue George's background doesn't check out. I think it's highly inappropriate to have someone with a questionable/shady background as the Head of Security. Let's refresh here. He's told people he was a New York City Police Officer. You posted that he was a Corrections Officer. The NYPD and the Department of Corrections are two different things. His Facebook and LinkedIn pages clearly show that his educational background doesn't match. He was a lawyer, but was disbarred; which they don't do unless you commit a serious offense. He also seems to be a deadbeat dad, based on what his children are posting online and he has had significant financial issues. I gained all of this information by simply Googling his name. I haven't even made an attempt to lookup his public records to see what else is there.

  6. John, you're the President of International Village. I think you should post another blog entry concerning Donnahue George. This needs to be addressed.


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