The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Marvin Tow has much to answer for

Up to now, as you have probably noticed, I have chosen to ignore the many innuendo-filled, infantile and deceptive emails of Mr. Ilan Weiss of New York, a dishonest and in my opinion disreputable individual best known for filing frivolous lawsuits against International Village to milk us out of money. But with the Feb. 18 Board of Directors election less than two weeks away, and with Mr. Weiss now acting as the incumbent candidates’ official spokesman and campaign manager (a role they have apparently assigned him), I feel I must address Mr. Weiss’ relationship with the incumbent Board members running for reelection, particularly Board President Marvin Tow.

Owners should be aware of the fact that in May 2012, Mr. Weiss had Mr. Tow flown up to New York – all expenses and accommodations paid – so Mr. Tow could testify on Mr. Weiss’ behalf in a libel suit against Mr. Weiss by former International Village Board member Edwin Kaufman. Mr. Tow was actually heard saying at the time that he was thrilled at the opportunity to get a free trip to New York.

Less than a year later, on April 25, 2013, Mr. Tow, as Board President, called a closed meeting of the Board of Directors to award his personal benefactor Mr. Weiss a $56,500 settlement award in Mr. Weiss’ related lawsuit against the association, which Mr. Weiss had refused to drop even though the Board members he was accusing of misconduct had been off the Board for already well over a year. The meeting was closed to unit owners, which means you the owners were not allowed to attend or even know what the meeting was about (nor was I allowed to discuss it). At the time, the Board consisted of only six members because former member Sharon Trepiccione had just resigned and her replacement had not yet been appointed. Board member Jerry Mirrow and I refused to attend or participate in this $56,500 giveaway, so all four remaining Board members were needed to make quorum (a sufficient number to conduct business). Instead of recusing himself (abstaining from voting) as he should have due to his obvious conflict of interest, Mr. Tow not only called the secret meeting into session but also voted in favor of this obscene settlement award, along with Board members Marc Richman, Frances Mesirow and Collette Goslin.

Owners have a right to ask if there was a quid pro quo involved in this outrageous settlement, which incidentally was the second settlement payment the association made to Mr. Weiss in two years. (In another closed Board meeting in 2012, the Board of Directors, including Mr. Tow, approved giving Mr. Weiss more than$12,000 to settle another frivolous lawsuit he had filed against the association for not receiving certain requested documents as quickly as he felt he should have.)

I recently requested and obtained Mr. Tow’s phone records for his association-provided cell phone. (These are official association records because, as I reported previously, our maintenance dollars are paying for Mr. Tow’s phone, so the association was required by law to provide them to me.) These phone records paint a disturbing picture about Mr. Tow’s relationship with Mr. Weiss. They show that on March 12, 2013, at 6:44 p.m., Mr. Tow called a number registered to Mr. Weiss in New York and spent 47 minutes on the phone with him. The next day, Mr. Tow called him two more times, spending another 15 minutes speaking with him on the phone.

Why was Mr. Tow being so chatty with Mr. Weiss while his lawsuit against International Village was still ongoing? Was the association's attorney in the case made aware of these long conversations taking place at such an apparently inappropriate time? What could they have been spending so much time talking about just a month before the settlement? Did Mr. Weiss agree to act as Mr. Tow’s official attack dog in exchange for securing his help in obtaining a juicy five-figure award for himself? (It’s interesting to note that Mr. Weiss’ relentless email diatribes against me started shortly after these phone conversations.) Or was some other quid pro quo discussed?  

Mr. Tow, what did you gain out of this settlement? What was in it for you? Was there a quid pro quo? And why didn't you recuse yourself given your clear conflict of interest? Finally, why are you so close to someone who has been such an enemy to International Village and is constantly working against the owners’ financial interests?

Owners will have the opportunity to ask Mr. Tow these and other questions at Candidates Night tonight (Wednesday, Feb. 5) at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. Mr. Tow has a lot to answer for, and we deserve answers!


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