The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New leadership team at International Village

International Village has a new leadership team. At our organizational meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26 to appoint new officers following last week’s landmark Board election, the Board named Marcio Jaspan as President, Duv Wolff as Vice President, John Labriola as Treasurer and Wendy Hernandez as Secretary. (The video is available here.)

I’m honored to be part of this fine team, all of whose members campaigned on a promise of restoring fiscal discipline. As Treasurer, I will work closely with our new President as he performs a top-to-bottom review of our entire operation to identify any inefficiencies that need to be eliminated, and I commend him for taking the symbolic first step of turning down an association-paid cell phone. I’m also looking forward to working with the rest of the team to review spending priorities, reduce unnecessary expenses and set clear cost-cutting targets to bring our budget under control. 

While the three remaining Board members will not be serving in an officer capacity, I invite them to join us in our efforts to become better stewards of your money. I think it’s time to put aside the rancor of the campaign and work together for the benefit of you, the owners. I believe you expect no less of us. 

In other business, the Board voted to change its monthly meeting schedule. Instead of the third Monday, Board  meetings will now be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. to accommodate all members' schedules. That means our next regular meeting will take place on March 25. See you then!

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