The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The biggest scam of all?

Several months ago, I reported that unit owner Ilan Weiss had lost his latest lawsuit against International Village and would now be responsible for reimbursing the association for all its legal fees in that case. However, through various delaying tactics by his attorney, Mr. Weiss has so far avoided paying the tens of thousands of dollars he owes us. At first sight, his strategy of postponing the inevitable makes no sense, since it will only increase the final amount of his bill to the association. But when considered in light of this month's upcoming board of directors election, there appears to be a sickening method to his madness. Over the last couple of months, two things have happened that lead us to believe Mr. Weiss is counting on his debt being “forgiven” if the slate of Douglas Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Daniel Coco is elected.

First, Mr. Weiss who has otherwise been unusually silent for most of the last several months recently signed on to an email blast urging units owners to vote for the Doug Meyers slate. This came as a shock to a lot of owners. They could not understand how Mr. Weiss who over the last several years has bitterly attacked Mr. Meyers with terms such as crook, dishonest weasel, thief, and “poisonous snake” in countless email blasts, and who has filed multiple lawsuits against him and his family could now be supporting Meyers as a candidate for the Board.

Second, and perhaps even more significantly, Mr. Meyers and Mr. Weiss recently came to an apparently amicable settlement of a lawsuit that had been dragging on between them for five years. Meyers had filed a defamation lawsuit against Weiss in 2012 over Weiss’ many blast emails attacking Meyers, especially for his role in the so-called "$250,000 real estate scam." But at a Dec. 22, 2016 mediation less than a month before Mr. Meyers and his slate filed their candidacy papers for the board election the conflict was “completely resolved,” according to court records. 

Owners have a right to know the terms of this settlement, since Mr. Meyers is now a candidate for the Board and Mr. Weiss is supporting him in a sudden and highly suspicious change of heart about Mr. Meyers’ fitness for the Board. Was there a quid pro quo? Did Weiss agree to support Meyers’ candidacy in exchange for Meyers dropping his lawsuit and promising, if elected, to let Weiss get away without paying the tens of thousands of dollars he owes the association (and which he has been avoiding paying until after the election)?

Owners will have the opportunity to ask Mr. Meyers and his slate this and other questions at a Candidates Night forum tonight (Monday, Feb. 13) at 7:15 p.m. in the clubhouse. We deserve answers!

John Labriola
International Village President

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