The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas!

On behalf of International Village, I’d like to wish all unit owners a very ​merry and blessed Christmas. We have a lot to celebrate as we look back on 2017, including surviving Hurricane Irma, continued progress on our building renovations, and the fourth year in a row with no increase in maintenance fees.

Let's continue working together to make 2018 even better, and may your new year be filled with joy, prosperity and good health!

John Labriola
International Village President

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

International Village owners agree: Less is More

A big thank you to all the owners who heeded my persistent calls to return your proxies. A large surge of proxy submissions in the last week – and especially the last few days – propelled owner participation to a near-record high, allowing us to avoid a maintenance fee increase while improving board accountability by downsizing the board of directors.

Of the more than 450 owners who returned their proxies, over 95 percent voted to waive reserves, while 60 percent voted to reduce the board's size from seven to five members. That means there will be no increase in maintenance fees for the fourth year in a row, and owners will elect two instead of four directors in the upcoming election, leaving the board with five members beginning in February.

Although Irma-related expenses meant we couldn't reduce maintenance fees again as we did the last three years in a row, owners who are still paying their Hurricane Wilma special assessment can look forward to a big break in 2018 because the special assessment ends in the summer, the last payment being due in July.

Once again, thank you to the many owners who took part in this important election, regardless of how you voted. It is your continued participation that keeps International Village vibrant and strong.   

John Labriola
International Village President

Sunday, December 3, 2017

How to avoid paying an extra $150 or more per month in maintenance fees

Thank you to all the International Village owners who turned in your proxies over the last week. We are now much closer to the number needed to avoid a maintenance fee increase, but we must receive your proxy no later than Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m., which is the time of the budget meeting. If you haven’t already done so, please CLICK HERE to download a proxy, then print it, fill it out, sign it, scan or snap a picture of it and email it back as soon as possible. (To avoid higher fees and downsize the board of directors for greater accountability, vote "YES" on #1 and "YES" on #2.)

Remember, not voting is virtually the same as voting to raise maintenance by 50 percent because state law requires associations to obtain owners' affirmative consent to waive reserves. That means turning in your proxy will help you avoid paying an extra $150 per month if you own a one-bedroom unit, or an extra $230 monthly if you own a two-bedroom apartment. That’s quite a savings!

So to avoid a big maintenance fee increase and improve board accountability, vote "YES" to waive reserves and "YES" to reduce the board from seven to five members. (For a detailed explanation, click here.)

John Labriola
International Village President

Monday, November 27, 2017

A 50 percent maintenance fee increase???

Only a week remains before our budget meeting and we are unfortunately still FAR SHORT of the number of proxies we need to waive reserves and avoid a massive maintenance fee increase for all International Village owners. I can't emphasize enough the importance of returning your proxy as soon as possible. As I explained in my previous blog post, not voting is essentially the same as voting to RAISE MAINTENANCE FEES BY 50 PERCENT because state law requires us to obtain owners' consent to waive reserves. That means if you are currently paying $292 in monthly maintenance, you will pay $438 if enough of you don't return your proxies before our Dec. 5 budget meeting. And if you currently pay $449 a month in maintenance and we don't receive your proxy by then, you will run the risk of paying $674! “Abstaining” is not an option. If we don’t get enough proxies back before the Dec. 5 deadline, we will be forced under state law to “fully fund” reserves and massively raise your maintenance fees. We’re asking you not to make us do that. If you haven’t already done so, please reply to this email with your proxy. Just CLICK HERE to download it, then print it, fill it out, sign it, scan or snap a picture of it and email it back. To avoid a maintenance fee increase and improve board accountability, vote "YES" to waive reserves and "YES" to reduce the board from seven to five members. (For a detailed explanation, click here.)

UPDATE: Last Wednesday (Thanksgiving eve), Marvin Tow sent a very un-holidaylike blast email to owners attacking me for exposing him in my Nov. 9 blog post/email as the individual behind the CIVOC "committee of one." Mr. Tow has finally dropped the phony "CIVOC Committee" label and signed his own name to his latest email to owners. I hope I can take credit for that. But he still refuses to identify the four shadowy investor candidates he is backing for the board, even though he's asking owners to keep the board's membership at seven for their sake. Over a week ago, I sent Marvin an email challenging him to a debate on the bylaws amendment on board size – with equal time for both sides and the opportunity for owners to ask questions. Unfortunately, he ignored my invitation. Marvin, what are you afraid of? That somebody could ask you who these four secret investors are? Or that someone might want to know why you are calling owners "on behalf of the investors" and urging them to keep the board at seven members in order to have "four new board members that are friendly to investors"? (To hear Marvin Tow's voicemail message to an owner, CLICK HERE and download the message.) Marvin, you live in the Village, so why are you attempting to speak on behalf of investors? And why should anyone trust your judgment given your infamous support for a convicted felon (Jason Levy) as property manager in 2012-14? Come out of the shadows and let's have a fair debate.

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving / Return your proxies

I would like to wish all International Village unit owners a happy Thanksgiving. As a community, we have a lot to be thankful for this year. At the top of the list of course is surviving Hurricane Irma. As we all know, if Irma had maintained its original course, the damage to our community would have been devastating, so we should all be very grateful that didn't happen.

We can also be thankful for continued progress on our building renovations, a new elevator maintenance company, and the fourth year in a row of no maintenance fee increase – but ONLY if you return your proxies in time. To those who have already sent in your proxy, thank you! If you have not yet received a proxy for any reason, click HERE to download one. Then print it, sign it, scan or snap a picture of it, and email it back. If we don’t get your proxy back before the Board of Directors’ Dec. 5 budget meeting, we will not be able to avoid a maintenance fee increase, so please return it as soon as possible. I strongly urge a “YES” vote on waiving reserves and a "YES" vote on reducing the board’s size from seven to five members. For a detailed explanation, click HERE.

Thank you, and a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and your families.

UPDATE: Wednesday night at 6:12 p.m., Marvin Tow sent an unhinged and unprovoked blast email to owners attacking me for exposing him in my Nov. 9 blog post and email as the individual behind the CIVOC "committee of one." Mr. Tow has finally dropped the phony "CIVOC Committee" label and signed his own name to his latest email to owners. I hope I can take credit for that. But he still refuses to identify the four shadowy investor candidates he is backing for the board, even though he's asking owners to keep the board's membership at seven for their sake. A few days ago, I sent Marvin an email inviting him to debate the bylaws amendment in an open forum – with equal time for both sides and the opportunity for owners to ask questions. Unfortunately, he ignored my invitation. Marvin, what are you afraid of? That somebody could ask you who these four secret investors are? Or that someone might want to know why you are calling owners "on behalf of the investors" and urging them to keep the board at seven members in order to have "four new board members that are friendly to investors"? (CLICK HERE to hear Marvin Tow's voicemail message to an owner.) Marvin, you live in the Village, so why are you attempting to speak on behalf of "investor owners"? Come out of the shadows and let's have a fair debate.

John Labriola
International Village President

Monday, November 13, 2017

Less is More

Thank you to all the owners who have already submitted their proxy for the budget and by-laws amendment. From your emails and from personally speaking to many owners over the last couple of weeks, the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. The vast majority of owners strongly agree that it's time to reduce the board's size in order to improve accountability. Most owners also agree we should waive reserves, not only to avoid higher maintenance fees, but also because a lot of owners just don't trust some future board not to raid the giant potential "slush fund" we'd be creating if we "fully funded" reserves.

If you still haven't voted your proxy, it's very important to do so. Because of the way the state law works, not voting is pretty much the same as voting "No." That means that if enough of you don't vote, the state will force the association to raise maintenance fees by 50 PERCENT in order to "fully fund reserves"!!! Don't ask me to explain the logic of this state law, but that's how it works. So please return your signed proxy as soon as possible.

If you have not yet received your proxy for whatever reason, CLICK HERE to download one. Then print it, sign it, scan or snap a picture of it, and email it back. 

I strongly urge a “YES” vote on both waiving reserves and reducing the board’s size from seven to five members. For a detailed explanation of the reasons, see my last blog post.

Less is more. To hold the line on maintenance fees and reduce the size of the board, please vote YES on #1 and YES on #2. 

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Five is enough

By now, most of you have received your proxy for the budget and proposed amendment to the International Village By-Laws. To avoid a maintenance fee increase and to improve Board accountability, you should vote YES on both waiving reserves and reducing the size of the Board of Directors from seven to five members.

Before I go into the reasons again, I feel I must address a recent email many of you received from the so-called “CIVOC committee” urging owners to oppose reducing the board's size. For those of you who may not be aware, the “CIVOC committee” is no committee at all but is in fact one individual. That individual is Marvin Tow, who was board president in 2012-13. In the past, Mr. Tow closed his “CIVOC committee” emails with a list of about 35 owners purportedly comprising the committee. But he stopped doing so after a number of those owners complained that they never signed up for such a committee and were neither consulted nor agreed with his emails. Ironically, while he was on the board, Mr. Tow supported an earlier proposal to shrink the board. But now he opposes reducing the board’s size because he is backing four unnamed board candidates, whose hopes of taking over the board in 2018 would be stymied if the proposed amendment passes because only two seats instead of four would be up for grabs next year. I don’t know who these four people are because Mr. Tow declines to identify them, but I would be very wary of supporting anyone endorsed by Mr. Tow considering his record as a board member, which included presiding over a massive special assessment and huge maintenance fee increase and hiring and adamantly defending a former property manager (Jason Levy) who ended up in prison for embezzlement. The current board has had to work very hard over the past four years to clean up the mess he left behind, so I certainly hope owners aren’t foolish enough to take his endorsements seriously.

To recap my reasons for recommending that you vote YES on reducing the size of the board: First, it’s always difficult to find good, honest candidates willing to run for the board who don’t have their own selfish interests at heart. Second, the growing percentage of owner-investors who live out of town, out of state or overseas means there is a shrinking pool of owners able to effectively and responsibly carry out the duties of a board member. Third, a new state law limiting the terms of condo board members will shrink that pool even further over time. Finally for some perspective, consider the fact that the city of Fort Lauderdale with its population of 180,000, and the city of Miami with its population of 440,000, each has five members on their board of city commissioners. I humbly submit that if five board members is enough for a city of nearly half a million residents, it’s certainly enough for a condo association of 832 owners.

So I recommend voting “YES” on waiving reserves and “YES” on reducing the size of the Board of Directors. Be sure to sign your proxy and mail it back with sufficient postage or drop it off at the association office as soon as possible. You may also scan it and email it back. If you have more than one unit, you should fill out a separate proxy for each unit. If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact me.

UPDATE 11/22/17:

Following my Nov. 9 blog post exposing Marvin Tow as the individual behind the CIVOC "committee of one," you may have noticed that Mr. Tow dropped the "CIVOC Committee" label in his subsequent email to owners, but he continues to refuse to sign his name to his emails from his anonymous email account.

Marvin, have the courage to at least identify yourself in your emails. A few days ago, I sent Marvin an email inviting him to debate the bylaws amendment in an open forum, with equal time for both sides and the opportunity for owners to ask questions. Unfortunately, he ignored it. Marvin, what are you afraid of? That somebody may ask you to identify the four shadowy investor candidates you are backing who won't be able to take over the board if this amendment passes? And why are you calling owners "on behalf of the investors" and telling them that "only by keeping the board at seven will we have an opportunity to vote for four new board members that are friendly to investors"??? (CLICK HERE to hear Marvin Tow's voice mail message to an owner.) Marvin, you live in the Village, so why are you trying to represent the interests of "investor owners"? Come out from behind the shadows and let's have an honest debate.

John Labriola
International Village President

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Budget Proxy and By-Laws Amendment to Reduce Board Size

First of all, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome back all the snowbirds. As I told one of our returning couples last week, it puts a smile on my face to see our snowbirds back in International Village because it’s a sure harbinger of cooler weather and my favorite time of year in Florida.

As mentioned at our recent Board of Directors meeting, you should be receiving your budget proxy in the mail in the next several days. Voting YES to waive reserves means no maintenance fee increase. Voting No or failing to vote means a 50 percent maintenance fee increase. So you must vote YES if you would prefer to keep maintenance fees the same.

In addition to voting on waiving reserves, you are also being asked to vote on a proposed amendment to our association By-Laws to reduce the size of the Board of Directors from seven members to five members beginning in February 2018. Although this By-Laws amendment proposal was another board member’s idea, I am supporting it for various reasons:

First, it’s always a struggle to find good, honest candidates to run for the board who don’t have their own selfish interests at heart. That task has grown even harder as the percentage of non-resident owner-investors has risen over the years, since so many live either outside the county, out of state or even overseas. Adding to the challenge is the fact that the state legislature this year decided to impose term limits on condo board members, which will further shrink the pool of eligible candidates over time.  Finally, I believe having a smaller board will improve board cohesion and reduce the tendency to split into rival factions as has happened in the past.

So I recommend voting “YES” both on waiving reserves and reducing the size of the Board of Directors. Just be sure to sign your proxy and mail it back or drop it off at the association office as soon as possible. You may also scan it and email it in. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

John Labriola
International Village President

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Thank you to our cleanup volunteers!

A big thank you to all those who volunteered at the International  Village Cleanup Day on Oct. 7.

Volunteers from several buildings rolled up their sleeves to rake leaves, clear debris and show pride in their community. More than thirty bags of dead leaves and debris were collected.

A special thank you to our sponsor John Galt Insurance Agency for putting on the BBQ and raffle.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Cleanup Day reminder

Ready to help make International Village look better than ever? Now is your chance!

The International Village Cleanup Day will take place this Saturday, October 7 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The first group of volunteers will meet at 7:00 a.m. and the second group will meet at 10:00 a.m.  Just show up at the clubhouse at either time to begin, or look for your neighbors cleaning up and join in.  You may also leave your name and number on the signup sheet at the clubhouse and office any time before Cleanup Day.

Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., free hot dogs/burgers and refreshments for volunteers will be served in the BBQ area next to the tennis courts courtesy of John Galt Insurance Agency, which will also be sponsoring a RAFFLE for three $25 gift cards.

While tremendous progress has been made since Hurricane Irma left our entire community littered with leaves, branches and debris, we still have a way to go.  So please join your neighbors and roll up your sleeves on Oct. 7 to make International Village shine than ever! 

View the flyer HERE.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Cleanup Day Rescheduled to Oct. 7

Due to the heavy rains forecast for this weekend, as well as the number of residents who informed us they would not be able to participate this Saturday due to the Jewish holiday, we are rescheduling the Cleanup Day to OCT. 7.

The International Village Cleanup Day will now take place on Saturday, October 7 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The first group of volunteers will meet at 7:00 a.m. and the second group will meet at 10:00 a.m.  Just show up at the clubhouse at either time to begin, or look for your neighbors cleaning up and join in.  You may also leave your name and number on the signup sheet at the clubhouse and office any time before Cleanup Day.

Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., free hot dogs/burgers and refreshments for volunteers will be served in the BBQ area next to the tennis courts courtesy of John Galt Insurance Agency, which will also be sponsoring a RAFFLE for three $25 gift cards.

While tremendous progress has been made since Hurricane Irma left our entire community littered with leaves, branches and debris, we still have a way to go.  So please join your neighbors and roll up your sleeves on Oct. 7 to help make International Village look better than ever!

View the updated flyer HERE.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Cleanup Day this Saturday

As requested by a number of residents at this week’s Board of Directors meeting, International Village will be hosting a Cleanup Day this weekend for the whole community to volunteer and pitch in.

The Cleanup Day will take place this Saturday, September 30 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The first group will meet at 7:00 a.m. and the second group will meet at 10:00 a.m.  Also, free hot dogs/burgers and drinks courtesy of our insurance agent John Galt Insurance will be served in the BBQ area between 11 am & 1 p.m.!

While tremendous progress has been made since Hurricane Irma left our entire community littered with leaves, branches and debris, we still have a way to go.  So please join your neighbors and roll up your sleeves to help make International Village look better than ever!

Volunteers should meet us at the clubhouse at 7:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. If joining us later, just look for your neighbors cleaning up.

Rakes, etc. will be provided by maintenance.

To those unable to join us this weekend due to the Jewish holiday: We will be holding a second Cleanup Day in the near future. Stay tuned!

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hurricane Irma update

Due to Hurricane Irma’s widespread impact on cell phone towers, cable lines and Internet service, a number of owners who were not in International Village during the storm have had trouble contacting friends, relatives and office staff over the last few days for news about the hurricane’s impact. During the storm, International Village lost cable, Internet, email and landline phone service (but unlike about 75 percent of Broward residents, most of the community fortunately never lost electricity). Cell phone service was also very spotty for many residents, including myself, for the first couple of days after the storm, and it may remain spotty for some. The office and guardhouse phone lines and the office email server, as well as our property manager’s work cell phone and the rover’s cell phone, have been working sporadically, so if you have any hurricane-related damage or other issues to report and are concerned that your message may not be getting through to the manager, please copy me on the email and I will verify that he got it.

Thank God Hurricane Irma’s impact on International Village was far less than it would have been if the storm had remained on its originally forecast track, but the storm has been our community’s most significant event since Hurricane Wilma, and cleanup and repairs will continue for at least the next few weeks. We also send our thoughts and prayers to all those living in those parts of Florida that were hit hardest as they recover from the devastation.

The biggest impact on International Village was the number of trees and limbs that were downed by the strong winds, which swelled to gusts of over 100 mph. A couple of windows on the lake side of the Heidelberg building were smashed   by   the   limbs   of    an uprooted tree, and several cars were damaged by downed trees or snapped branches.  Several   leaks also have been reported, a number of lamp posts were damaged, and sections of the wooden fences around the clubhouse and next to the resident entrance were toppled. However, a makeshift fence has been put up at the entrance to prevent unauthorized walk-ins. Two elevators are down, but the elevator contractor has been contacted and they should be serviced shortly. Both pools are closed pending maintenance by our pool contractor, but should reopen today or tomorrow. Garbage pickup also has been delayed as the city’s waste collection crews have been diverted to address the large amount of debris on the roads. As for the surrounding Broward community, a large percentage of traffic signals are still out of service and many tree limbs remain on the roads, but signs of normalcy appear to be returning, with more gas stations, stores and businesses beginning to reopen.

A big thank you to our International Village maintenance crew, who got quickly to work the morning after the storm cleaning up the extensive debris, leaves and branches that littered the entire property and clearing trees that were blocking roads and walkways. I would also like to thank our security chief Austin Freeman for keeping an eye on the property throughout the duration of the hurricane, as well as all the owners and residents who heeded the warnings to secure their properties, and especially all those I personally observed chipping in to help after the storm without being asked – whether by raking leaves in front of their buildings or checking in on neighbors and absent owners’ properties. 
Hurricane Irma is the biggest test International Village has faced since Wilma, but it has demonstrated that when put to the test, we truly rise to the occasion and come together as neighbors to help each other and show our love for this community we call home. Irma was also a sobering wake-up call, reminding us that even though we went more than 10 years without a hurricane following Wilma, we still live in Hurricane Alley and may have to start considering ways to better protect ourselves and our properties from nature's fury.

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hurricane Irma alert

Dear International Village Owners and Residents:

With the very powerful and dangerous Hurricane Irma likely headed our way, we urge all owners and residents to take all the necessary precautions to protect your own safety and property and that of your neighbors, and to do so as soon as possible. 

Notices have been posted on all the building entrances advising residents to park their cars away from trees and to remove all objects from their balconies and patio areas and bring them indoors –  including patio furnitures, plants, planters, ornaments, etc., so that they don’t become dangerous projectiles in the event of high winds. Objects such as pots and planters that are left outside will be thrown away by maintenance. Also make sure all your windows and sliding glass doors are completely shut. If you are out of town but someone has access to your unit, or if you have a tenant, please ask them to secure your property for you. If you know a neighbor who is handicapped or elderly, let the office know so we will be able to check on them after the storm. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call the office at 954-484-9106, or call the manager directly on his cell at 954-225-7815 after hours or on the weekend in case of emergency. If the guardhouse phone loses power, you may call the rover at 754-302-4649.

Our maintenance crew has been working to secure the common areas, including securing the pool area and tennis courts as well as ensuring that drains and gutters are clear of leaves to allow for proper drainage. But we need all owners and residents to do their part as well. Be responsible by following the above precautions, stay tuned to the forecasts, and stock up on water, canned goods and batteries. You're also encouraged to check out the Broward County Hurricane Guide at

Forecasts indicate that this could be one of the most powerful hurricanes in history, so please take it extremely seriously. Take all the necessary steps to protect yourself, your family and your neighbors, and most of all, pray that we get through this safely. God bless everyone, and be safe!  

John Labriola
International Village President

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

Wishing all our unit owners a very happy and safe Independence Day.

God bless America!

John Labriola
International Village President

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter!

I wish all our fellow unit owners and neighbors and your families a very happy and blessed Easter.
To celebrate, International Village invites all our residents and especially families with children to our Easter Event this Saturday, April 15 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the barbeque area next to the tennis courts.  Enjoy hot dogs, chips, soda, and activities and prizes for the kids. Then at 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse, we will be screening the critically acclaimed Easter-themed movie "Risen" starring Joseph Fiennes.
Finally, to our departing snowbirds: safe travels until we see you again!

John Labriola
International Village President

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thank you!

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the owners of International Village for their overwhelming vote of confidence in this Tuesday’s Board of Directors election. I and my colleagues Luis Jimenez and Carl Simmonds are humbled and honored by your resounding vote to keep us on the Board to continue working for you. (See election results announcement HERE.) We look forward to fulfilling our promise of staying the course of saving money while making the necessary investments to ensure that International Village remains “The Jewel of Inverrary.”  

I would also like to thank our opponents Daniel Coco, Douglas Meyers and Stuart Wolff for a spirited contest. It was a contentious debate, but it was one worth having. Now that the owners have spoken, I hope we can all come together as one community.

Thank you again to all our neighbors and fellow unit owners who once more gave us their support in this election, especially our volunteers and all those who spoke to their neighbors about the importance of this election. There is no greater reward than the knowledge that what we are doing is truly appreciated by so many of you, and I sincerely hope that you will stay involved to help us make International Village better and stronger than ever before.


John Labriola
International Village President

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Last call for ballots!

Today is your last chance to vote in the Feb. 28 International Village Board of Directors election. If you haven't already done so, please cast your ballot no later than 8 p.m. tonight.

Here’s why it’s important to vote to keep John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds working for you:
  • We’re the first board to ever cut maintenance fees three years in a row. (That’s $120 in savings per year for a one-bedroom owner, and $180 in annual savings for a two-bedroom owner compared to 2014.) 
  • We saved over $1 million on the recent 40-year certification.
  • We have completed several building renovations WITHOUT a special assessment and are on our way to completing the remaining buildings.
  • We believe honesty and transparency are the best policy. 

Our opponents, on the other hand, have a record of engaging in self-serving scams, sleazy behavior, dirty tricks and shady deals, and they've refused to rule out pushing through another unnecessary special assessment.  International Village unit owners kicked them off the board several years ago for a good reason, and they’ve given us no reason to put them back in power.

For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds. Drop your ballot in the ballot box in the clubhouse lobby anytime before 7 p.m. If it’s after 7, bring it to the large card room to be counted by the election monitors. For detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola
International Village President

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Vote for continued savings and honesty

Only one day remains until the Feb. 28 International Village Board of Directors election. If you have not already done so, this is your last chance to choose between continuing to move forward or returning to the dirty deals and costly scams of the past.

I and my colleagues Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds are asking for your vote so we can continue saving money while while investing in important improvements like the building renovations that are now nearing completion. With more than $1 million in savings over the last few years and an unprecedented THREE consecutive years of maintenance fee reductions, we have a proven record of getting it done. (The average one-bedroom unit owner is paying $120 less in maintenance fees per year than they did just three years ago, while the average two-bedroom owner is paying $180 less a year in maintenance fees than they did in 2014.)

Our three opponents – Doug Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Dan Coco (aka the “Doug Meyers slate”) – have refused to rule out imposing an unnecessary special assessment and can’t explain why owners should trust them after they scammed us the last time they were in power about seven years. (See the $250,000 scam.”)

Let’s keep moving forward, not backward to the crooked dealings of the past. For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds. Drop off your ballot at the clubhouse no later than this Monday or Tuesday by 8 p.m., as it is too late to mail it in. If you need to make arrangements for someone to pick up your ballot, please let me know by sending me an email at JFLABRIOLA@GMAIL.COM.  For more detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola 
International Village President

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Security over dirty politics

Earlier this week, I announced that the Board of Directors recently hired a new security manager. Three weeks into the job, Austin Freeman formally introduced himself to unit owners at the Feb. 21 Board of Directors meeting and discussed the proactive steps he is taking to enhance all aspects of security at the association. See the video of his presentation HERE.

We’re very excited to have someone with Austin’s impressive background working for us, because we believe that ensuring the safety of the community is our most important responsibility. That’s why it’s so upsetting to see our opponents in this month’s Board election play politics at the expense of security. As I reported earlier this week, the Doug Meyers slate (consisting of Doug Meyers, Stuart Wolff and Dan Coco) appears committed to rehiring our former security manager Elwood Metayer, who was let go several months ago for various performance and conduct issues as well as a concerning rise in security-related incidents during his time at the association. In recent weeks, Doug Meyers has invited Mr. Metayer to International Village a number of times to campaign for his team. As recently as this Wednesday, an observant owner noticed Mr. Metayer’s vehicle parked in front of the St. Moritz building and took this picture of the guest pass on his dashboard showing he was there at Mr. Meyers' invitation. This is no way to play with something as important as security. Promising a dismissed employee his old job back in exchange for his active support in a board election is just wrong. Shame on you, Doug Meyers.

No more dirty politics at the expense of the community's safety. For security and continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez. For detailed instructions on voting, click here.

John Labriola
International Village President