The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Monday, November 13, 2017

Less is More

Thank you to all the owners who have already submitted their proxy for the budget and by-laws amendment. From your emails and from personally speaking to many owners over the last couple of weeks, the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. The vast majority of owners strongly agree that it's time to reduce the board's size in order to improve accountability. Most owners also agree we should waive reserves, not only to avoid higher maintenance fees, but also because a lot of owners just don't trust some future board not to raid the giant potential "slush fund" we'd be creating if we "fully funded" reserves.

If you still haven't voted your proxy, it's very important to do so. Because of the way the state law works, not voting is pretty much the same as voting "No." That means that if enough of you don't vote, the state will force the association to raise maintenance fees by 50 PERCENT in order to "fully fund reserves"!!! Don't ask me to explain the logic of this state law, but that's how it works. So please return your signed proxy as soon as possible.

If you have not yet received your proxy for whatever reason, CLICK HERE to download one. Then print it, sign it, scan or snap a picture of it, and email it back. 

I strongly urge a “YES” vote on both waiving reserves and reducing the board’s size from seven to five members. For a detailed explanation of the reasons, see my last blog post.

Less is more. To hold the line on maintenance fees and reduce the size of the board, please vote YES on #1 and YES on #2. 

John Labriola
International Village President

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