The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Vote for continued progress in International Village!

By now, you should have received your voting package for the Feb. 24 International Village election and annual meeting. In addition to choosing three candidates for the Board of Directors, you will have the chance to weigh in on over a dozen proposed amendments to our governing documents – including clarifying the income requirements for leasing and purchasing units and giving owners the option to receive notices electronically to save on postage. Owners also will have the opportunity to vote on whether they believe security cameras should be installed in the common areas.

Your vote, especially in the Board of Directors election, will help determine whether we can continue building on the successes of the last year, during which we saved over $1 million and cut maintenance fees for the first time in decades.  I’m running for reelection because I want International Village to keep moving in the right direction of reducing maintenance fees and saving money while investing in important projects like the building renovations that were recently resumed. But I’ll need the help of a good team, which is why I’m asking you to also cast your vote for two excellent candidates who share these goals: Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez.

Colbert “Carl” Simmonds joined the Board several months ago and has been serving as the association’s Secretary since September 2014. A retired database manager for Citibank, he brings a strong managerial background and capacity for teamwork as well as a commitment to honesty and cost savings to the Board.

Luis Jimenez is a systems engineer for Hewlett Packard in data center modernization, whose work focuses on minimizing costs by maximizing efficiency. He wants to use his professional talents to help International Village identify new and innovative ways to save money, and he’s looking forward to making a positive impact on the community.

As for me, John Labriola, I joined the Board of Directors two years ago and became the association’s Treasurer in February 2014, a position I accepted because I wanted to focus my efforts on saving money. I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism, and for the last two years I've used my reporting and writing skills to keep unit owners informed through emails and the website.

I'm asking you to choose the team that will keep International Village moving forward. For continued progress, please vote for John Labriola, Colbert “Carl” Simmonds and Luis Jimenez.


For the Board of Directors election: Complete your ballot and place it inside the envelope marked “BALLOT.” Then place the sealed “BALLOT” envelope inside the envelope marked “Return Envelope for Board Election” and seal it. Print your name, address and unit number on the outer envelope, and be sure to sign it or it will not count. (If you own more than one unit, you must repeat this process for each unit.) Place sufficient postage on the envelope and mail it in or drop it off at the association office. Do not include your pink proxy or anything else inside either of the white envelopes. If you never received your voting materials, request a package at the office or contact the association at 954-484-9106. 

For the condo doc amendments: Complete the three-page pink proxy, place it in the pink envelope and mail it in with sufficient postage or drop it off at the office. Complete as many proxies as you have units.

If your unit is owned by more than one person and you have not already designated a voting representative for your unit, you must fill out this Voting Certificate and scan and email it to or fax it to 954-486-5677. If you don't have access to a scanner or fax machine, you may include the Voting Certificate in the pink envelope along with your pink proxy.

John Labriola
International Village Treasurer

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