The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Victory for Progress!

A very big "Thank You" to the unit owners of International Village for overwhelmingly voting to stay on the path of continued progress in this Tuesday’s Board of Directors election. By a staggering 4 to 1 margin, you elected the team that has pledged to keep saving money and reducing maintenance fees while investing in important improvements to our community. (See the official results announcement HERE.) I am humbled and honored by the confidence you have placed in me, along with Luis Jimenez and Colbert “Carl” Simmonds, and I look forward to another term of working with a great group of people to continue improving our quality of life and property values. I also want to thank God for letting justice prevail over the forces of evil and the enemies of truth and righteousness.

By voting to remain on the right track, you also rejected the politics of hate, smear, innuendo and disgusting personal attacks represented by one of our soundly defeated opponents and his dwindling number of supporters. Let’s hope he takes a hint from this overwhelming rejection of everything he stands for and learns to keep his bile to himself. 

Regarding the proposed amendments to the association's governing documents, the number of pink proxies received fell about 30 votes short of the quorum requirement, so the results of that vote could not be officially tabulated. That means that if you did not mail in or drop off your 15-question proxy, you can still do so. We will let you know the new deadline for submitting your proxy once the Board has agreed on a date.

Stay tuned, and thanks again for showing you care about the future of International Village. Together we can make the “Jewel of Inverrary” shine even brighter.

John Labriola
International Village Board of Directors

1 comment:

  1. To the committee of idiots (aka CIVOC). The membership has spoken. Your narrow and mindless agenda has failed. Your agenda to bring back AMG, AMG provided us with the most corrupt management teams in the history of I.V.


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