The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Camera system proposal placed on pause

You did it – again! 

After a good number of you emailed or called Board members to oppose a proposed $150,000 camera surveillance system, the idea has been placed on hold. A special meeting this Monday, Nov. 11, originally scheduled for the purpose of discussing and voting on the project, has been re-purposed as an open discussion forum "for the Board of Directors and all attending unit owners to discuss the safety, security, and quality of life challenges facing our community," according to Board of Directors President Marvin Tow. (See his letter to unit owners.)
I applaud the decision to hit the “pause” button on this huge overreach of a project, which would have called for the installation of nearly 300 cameras in a community of just over 800 units, at a cost of over $500 per camera and a potential special assessment of about $220 per unit owner. Not only was the project ill-conceived, but as I have reported in my blog, approving the project without first allowing owners to vote on it would have been a violation of Florida law regarding “material alterations.” (See my post about the issue HERE.) 

I like the idea of a town hall style meeting for owners to share their concerns and recommendations on the general topic of security, and I encourage all owners to attend this Monday’s meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. Now that the threat of a massive camera surveillance system being forced down our throats is out of the way (at least for now), this meeting will be a good opportunity for owners and Board members to calmly and intelligently discuss the issues of safety and security.

1 comment:

  1. How dare you people question an egomaniacs dream. :)


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