The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Friday, April 12, 2013

Town Hall meeting recap

Kudos to all the unit owners who showed up to share their ideas and concerns at this week’s Town Hall meeting. (See video here.) We had a very good turnout, and Jerry Mirrow did a great job of taking questions. I took notes and will be following up on the different concerns you brought up. I also will be getting back to those of you who left your names and contact information on our signup sheet and expressed your interest in forming a Social Activities Committee to plan events and a Village Beautification Committee to volunteer your time and efforts to help spruce up our community. 

A very special thanks to Fitz Harris of AFH Consulting Engineers, a specialist in 40-year re-certifications who was kind enough to come to our meeting to explain that many of the proposed improvements described in our $22,000 engineering report are strictly aesthetic and do not need to be done as part of any 40-year certification. As I announced at the meeting, Criterium Engineers has agreed in writing to update the report at no cost over the next five years if the city requires us to begin the certification process during that time. Hopefully, the updated report will be in the proper format and include only the required safety-related items.

To those of you who were offended by the behavior of one of our attending Board members, Jerry and I felt that it was important to give him the opportunity to address the owners, although we regret the manner in which he did so. We look forward to smoother relations among all Board members so we can work together to address the community’s needs, as unit owners expect of us.

Please be sure to attend our next regular meeting of the Board of Directors this coming Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. There are many important issues on our plate, and your continued participation and input is needed to help us make the right decisions!

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