The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vote for change!

By now, most of you have received your ballot package for the Jan. 27 International Village Board of Directors election, or you should be receiving it soon.

As I stated in my last blog post, the choice couldn't be any clearer in this election. All three incumbent Board members running for reelection (Marvin Tow, Marc Richman and Sandra Best) just voted to raise your maintenance fees by 7 percent (six times the inflation rate) after rejecting any meaningful budget cuts. These same incumbent Board members also back plans for a $1.4 million special assessment based on overpriced contracts for projects that have not been carefully evaluated. And they have consistently refused to consider operational efficiencies and innovative practices to bring spending under control.

It’s clearly time for a change. And fortunately, you have the opportunity to cast your votes for four unit owners who are prepared to deliver that change.

Duv Wolff, Wendy Hernandez and Marcio Jaspan all have strong professional backgrounds and are committed to responsible spending to prevent our property values from plummeting due to the kind of runaway maintenance increases and special assessments we have seen under the current Board.  

Duv Wolff is a small business owner with a talent for minimizing unnecessary expenses, and he wants to reverse the 7 percent maintenance increase.

Wendy Hernandez has worked in the budgeting and purchasing departments of various companies and is experienced in saving money on contracts.

And Marcio Jaspan is an experienced engineer whose expertise will prove invaluable when it comes to evaluating project contracts to ensure we are getting a good deal for our money.

The following chart provides a comparison of the seven candidates on three key issues:

7% maintenance fee increase
$1.4 million special assessment
Cutting wasteful spending
Duv Wolff
Wendy Hernandez
Marcio Jaspan        OPPOSE          OPPOSE       SUPPORT

Marvin Tow
Marc Richman
Sandra Best

The choice is clear. When it comes to runaway spending, maintenance fee increases and special assessments, enough is enough! Vote for Duv Wolff, Wendy Hernandez and Marcio Jaspan.
Mark your ballot and place it inside the envelope labeled “Secret Ballot.” Then place that ballot inside the Ballot Return Envelope and seal it. Print your name, address and unit number, and be sure to sign it or it will not count. (If you own more than one unit, you must repeat this process for each unit.) Then place the proper postage on the envelope and mail it in. Or if you plan to be in International Village on Monday, Jan. 27, you can deliver it in person at the clubhouse main card room (movie room), as long as you arrive before 7 p.m. when the counting begins. You can also have someone (like me) bring your ballot in for you.

You do not need to complete the “Voting Certificate” included in your packet if you are already the designated voting representative on record with the association. (Call the office at 954-484-9106 if you are not sure.) Only fill it out if you need to change the designated voting representative and then place it in the outer envelope. (Do not place it in the “Secret Ballot” envelope.)

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!

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