The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Thank you and farewell

This Tuesday will be my last day as a member of the International Village Board of Directors after six years on the board, and as I did at last week’s board meeting, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who played such an important part in the life of the association and in mine over the last half dozen years.

First, I want to thank the owners of International Village for supporting us year after year in election after election. Your consistent vote of confidence showed us that our efforts were not only worthwhile but appreciated, and that means more than you know. 

Second, to all the board members past and present that I’ve served with during my six years on the board: I learned something from each of you, including that angry words are almost always less persuasive than calm and reasoned explanations, and that your true friends may not be the ones who always agree with you but the ones who are always there to offer honest advice when they think you can do better.

Finally, to my critics: I want to thank you especially for teaching me the most important and valuable lesson of all: That you can never please everybody no matter what you do, and that you should never aim or expect to. Just keep doing what you think is right, regardless of criticism, because in the end the only opinion of you that matters is God’s.

So thank you, again, to all of you. I’m a different and I think better person than I was six years ago for the experience, and to borrow a phrase from Abraham Lincoln, I leave this board “with malice toward none, with charity for all.”

So God bless each of you, God bless International Village, and God bless America.

John Labriola
International Village President

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