The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Monday, July 6, 2015

Village update

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend.

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank all the unit owners who took advantage of last month’s Wilma Special Assessment Early Payoff Bonus offer. More than 20 unit owners reaped hundreds of dollars in interest savings by paying off their Hurricane Wilma special assessment balance three years early. In all, the association collected more than $60,000 in special assessment payoff checks during the month of June, which will go toward reducing our debt with Wells Fargo. If you happened to miss the June 30 deadline, your next opportunity to save money by paying off your Wilma assessment balance early will be in December. Although the savings won’t be quite as large as they were in June, they will still be significant. The association will be posting reminders as we get closer to that time.

On a sad note, I'm sorry to report that David Friedman, our property manager for the past year, had to step down last week for health reasons. David was one of the most hard-working, trustworthy, dedicated managers we’ve ever had at International Village, and he will be deeply missed. Not only was he an excellent manager, but I also came to regard him as a good and trusted friend. A search for a new manager is currently underway. Please keep David in your prayers as we wish him a full and speedy recovery. Our doors here at International Village will always be open for him.

John Labriola
International Village President


  1. Very sad to hear David had to step down for health reasons. The insults and the pressure on him these last months would have made anyone sick. He recently had bypass surgery. And since his return he has repeatedly been bad mouthed and insulted and attacked by Mr Weiss and others relentlessly. Thru numerous e-mails and many many phone calls. David is a nice man. Did not have a mean bone in his body. I have never seen or heard him be disrespectful to anyone. I hope he can move on to a property that can appreciate him. A place where there is not so much hatred And mean spirited people. He knows his profession inside out. And will be asset to a decent kind community. I wish him well. I am so ashamed of the way some people in this community behave. And the nasty inflammatory environment here. But I do believe in Karma.

    1. Thank you Sandra. I hope our next property manager will not have to put up with the type of relentless abuse and slander that David handled with such dignity even while battling significant health issues. Nobody should have to be subjected to that kind of mental and emotional harassment. I also believe in a just God and that the dishonest and pitiless attacker you mention by name will soon get what he has coming.

      John Labriola
      International Village President


  1. Very sad to hear David had to step down for health reasons. The insults and the pressure on him these last months would have made anyone sick. He recently had bypass surgery. And since his return he has repeatedly been bad mouthed and insulted and attacked by Mr Weiss and others relentlessly. Thru numerous e-mails and many many phone calls. David is a nice man. Did not have a mean bone in his body. I have never seen or heard him be disrespectful to anyone. I hope he can move on to a property that can appreciate him. A place where there is not so much hatred And mean spirited people. He knows his profession inside out. And will be asset to a decent kind community. I wish him well. I am so ashamed of the way some people in this community behave. And the nasty inflammatory environment here. But I do believe in Karma.

  2. Thank you Sandra. I hope our next property manager will not have to put up with the type of relentless abuse and slander that David handled with such dignity even while battling significant health issues. Nobody should have to be subjected to that kind of mental and emotional harassment. I also believe in a just God and that the dishonest and pitiless attacker you mention will soon get what he has coming.

    John Labriola
    International Village President


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