The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Call for honest volunteers for Sales & Lease Committee

I'm pleased to report that International Village Board member Wendy Hernandez has been removed from the association's Sales & Lease Committee as a result of her unprofessional and unethical antics, which have included attempting to bully staff into letting her deny leases to qualified tenants of owners whom she dislikes, demanding keys to the office so she could snoop around after hours (which she was denied), threatening staff with their jobs for failing to carry out her unethical demands, disseminating false and defamatory accusations against staff and other board members, physically assaulting a fellow Board member, and apparently attempting to gain unauthorized access to unit owner accounts.

The association is seeking honest, trustworthy unit owners to help the committee's remaining hard-working members do their jobs. If you are interested, please call the office at 954-484-9106, or send an email to

On a related note, a number of you have asked me to shed light on the reasons for the recent spate of board resignations. Because these resignations appear to have been the result of these former board members' improper involvement in an ongoing legal matter (in which Miss Hernandez appears to have been a co-conspirator), I am currently not at liberty to disclose details, but rest assured that these resignations were in the best interest of the association and that a full accounting of what transpired will be forthcoming.

1 comment:

  1. If you could see your way clear to waive the requirement to be honest and trustworthy Marvin might be the right man for the job.


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