The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dirty tricks in International Village?

There has been a somewhat disappointing turn of events in the International Village Board of Directors election. One of the candidates, Nancy Schuette, has formally withdrawn. 

Unfortunately, the incumbent Board member candidates have decided to use her withdrawal as a tool against me, even though I am not a candidate, on the assumption that it will hurt whomever I endorse. How? Believe it or not, by suggesting impropriety on my part simply because I endorsed her before she withdrew! They even obtained private email correspondence between me and Ms. Schuette and email-blasted it to the entire community because they think it will embarrass or intimidate me. This is a dirty trick and I don't think unit owners will stand for it.

That said, it is now more important than ever that you vote for all three remaining non-incumbent candidates on the ballot: Duv WolffWendy Hernandez and Marcio Jaspan. The ballot says that you can vote for up to four, but all the remaining active candidates are incumbent Board members committed to higher maintenance fees and special assessments and don’t deserve your vote, so vote for only these three.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! VOTE FOR CHANGE! (If you need help obtaining or submitting your ballot, please email me.)

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