The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Monday, August 26, 2013

New tenant screening process and pre-Labor Day party

International Village has automated its rental and purchase application process. From now on, instead of filling out an approximately 20-page printed application, prospective renters and buyers will be directed to a website where they must complete the application online. The new system, which was approved by the Board of Directors at last week’s meeting, will streamline the process and reduce the Sales and Lease Committee’s workload by eliminating the need to hound applicants for any missing information, as the automated system will not accept incomplete applications.  

Tenant Evaluation, the company International Village has been using for years to conduct applicant background checks, will provide the service at no extra charge. International Village will continue paying the company $45 per application out of the $100 processing fee the association collects from applicants. The Sales and Lease Committee, chaired by Board member Frances Mesirow, will continue performing the job of approving or disapproving applicants.

Another benefit of the new system may be a reduction in the number of people who lie about their income in order to qualify to lease or own a unit -- a very frequently voiced concern among owners. As a deterrent to providing false income data, the Board adopted my suggestion of requiring applicants to authorize the association to obtain their most recent tax return from the IRS as part of the application process.

In other action last week, the Board retroactively approved the following emergency projects that came up during our summer break: $14,800 for a new clubhouse air conditioning system, $3,250 to stop a leak in the outdoor pool, and $5,900 to replace 15 feet of storm drain between Heidelberg and Edelweiss to prevent the seawall from collapsing due to a sinkhole that formed during the recent heavy rains. (See the Aug. 19 meeting video here.)

Finally, International Village owners and residents are invited to a pre-Labor Day potluck party this coming Sunday, Sept. 1 from 5-10 p.m. in the clubhouse, featuring a live band and dancing. Bring a dish or barbecue items and come out and meet your neighbors as we say goodbye to the summer!

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