The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Replace the clubhouse roof?

The Board of Directors will hold a special meeting this Thursday (May 30 at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse) to consider two clubhouse-related expenditures: replacing the clubhouse roof for up to about $170,000 and tenting the clubhouse for termites at a cost of about $17,000.

It’s an unusual juxtaposition. Obviously, assuming both projects are necessary, we should be doing one at a time, so why are both things being placed on the same agenda? According to termite experts, if a building has a termite problem, it should be fumigated before any roof replacement. So why not take care of that first and then revisit the roof issue after the tenting is done? There was no mention of termite tenting at last week’s meeting of the Projects Committee, which voted to forward a positive recommendation for roof replacement to the Board of Directors. In fact, most committee members were probably not even aware of the issue, and the committee chair did not allow any comments or questions from the audience. (See meeting video here.) Had they known that the clubhouse was due for tenting, perhaps they would have tabled the roof replacement item as they did the issues of tree trimming and speed humps. Committee members’ main argument was that the roof is currently not insured and that hurricane season is coming. But by the time the termite tenting is done, we will already be well into hurricane season, as well as in the heart of the rainy season – not a good time to replace a roof. Besides, even a new roof is often no match for a major hurricane, as we have seen in the past, and then (if, God forbid, we have a hurricane) we would find ourselves having to replace our brand new roof. So wouldn't we be better off waiting until after hurricane season?

Some committee members also mentioned that they were not given the opportunity to examine the three roofing bids before the meeting so they could make a more informed recommendation. They apparently also did not examine the section in Criterium Engineers' report covering the clubhouse roof, which actually appears to describe it as not one roof, but separate roofs. Only the “Office/Indoor Pool roof” is described as poor, with “1 to 3 years remaining useful life.” But the main roof is described as being in “fair condition with approximately 3 to 5 years remaining useful life.” If that’s the case, why are we discussing replacing the roof for the entire clubhouse? With proper repairs, certified by our insurer, I believe we could get several more years out of the roof without having to dip into our limited special assessment account funds. After all, we have only about $400,000 left in the account with several other important projects to address and absolutely no other money in reserves to deal with a tropical storm, hurricane or other unforeseen circumstances. We need to save as much money as possible. To simply rely on imposing yet another special assessment is not fiscally responsible.

Obviously, there are many issues that need to be addressed before we make such a major decision as replacing the clubhouse roof. At a minimum, I hope we can get one or more of the roofers submitting bids to come to our meeting Thursday to answer questions of the Board so we can make as informed a decision as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I want to applaud Board member John Labriola for his tireless and often thankless job as he seeks to find justice for unit owners at IV. Why are at least 4 members of the Board so hell-bent on spending our money so wildly? It makes more sense to defer the clubhouse roof until after the hurricane season has passed? Where and when did the termite problem get thrown in the mix? Granted we all want to keep our community looking nice, but at what price? I know that there are more working class than filthy rich individuals who live in International Village, we can't stand another assessment anytime soon, once the $400,000 burns through the roof. That's exactly what's going to happen.


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