The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Vote Aug. 28!

This is a friendly reminder to all owners who are registered to vote in Broward County that there are a number of important items affecting International Village owners on this Tuesday’s ballot, including a proposed tax increase for the school district (allegedly for "security" purposes). Considering the fact that the school district misspent our tax dollars after an $800 million bond issue in 2014, I strongly recommend voting NO on the tax increase.

Other items on the ballot include the 20th Congressional district primary and the At-Large School Board seat for all Broward County voters, as well as a dozen judicial races. Earlier this month, I was happy to moderate a Candidates Forum in the International Village clubhouse for the Congressional and School Board races.

The candidates for the Democratic nomination for Congress: incumbent Congressman Alcee Hastings and his challenger Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick. The two agreed on virtually every issue but clashed on term limits (Cherfilus-McCormick was in favor, while Congressman Hastings was opposed, arguing that experience mattered). Cherfilus-McCormick said she would abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), calling immigration enforcement “racism” and noting that her Haitian aunt was once detained and deported for overstaying her visa. (I have no endorsement in this race.)

The candidates for School Board: incumbent School Board member Donna Korn and challengers Elijah Manley and Ryan Petty. Petty, whose daughter Alaina was killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14 and who was later appointed to the state commission to investigate the shooting, identified safety as his top priority and made a convincing case for change, noting the culture of permissiveness and lack of student discipline that created the dangerous environment that led to the shooting. Manley, 19, came across as enthusiastic but inexperienced, while Korn spent several minutes attacking one of her opponents over a handful of years-old “politically incorrect” tweets. Korn also took offense at a question about the Broward school district’s “trans bathroom” policy, which allows children as young as 5 to “choose” their gender and which bathroom they want to use. Korn denied the school board is pushing the radical transgender agenda, but the truth is that Broward public schools are forcing girls to share bathrooms with boys who claim to be “girls.” When President Trump wisely reversed an Obama executive order that forced all the nation's public schools to adopt the so-called “trans bathroom” policy, Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie defiantly announced that Broward County schools would nevertheless continue the insane Obama policy of allowing boys to use the girls' bathroom. As a School Board member, Korn has consistently supported Runcie. My endorsement goes to RYAN PETTY.

If you were unable to attend the forum and would like to judge for yourself, you may view the video HERE.

My full recommendations are as follows:

Congress, 20th District: No endorsement
Governor: Ron DeSantis (Republican primary ballot)
Attorney General: No endorsement
Commissioner of Agriculture: Mike McCalister (Republican primary ballot)
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 8: Alan B. Schneider
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 36: No endorsement
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 38: Linda Marie Leali
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 39: No endorsement
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 42: No endorsement
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 43: No endorsement
Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Group 46: Walter "Dale" Miller
County Court Judge, Group 9: No endorsement
County Court Judge, Group 10: No endorsement
County Court Judge, Group 17: No endorsement
County Court Judge, Group 19: John "Jack" Phillips
County Court Judge, Group 25: Stephen Leslie Lustig
School Board At Large Seat 8: Ryan B. Petty

Funding Security and Essential Instruction Related Expenses of Schools through 1/2 Mill Property Tax Levy: Vote NO!

The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 28. If you live in International Village, your polling location is the International Village clubhouse.

John Labriola
International Village President

Thursday, August 23, 2018

International Village management

It is my sad duty to inform International Village unit owners that Dan Syrlik, our property manager for the last two years, has resigned, citing health issues. On behalf of the association, I’d like to thank Dan for his service to our Village and wish him a full and speedy recovery. The Board of Directors will be working diligently to identify a replacement as soon as possible. In the meantime, I’d like to assure everyone that the association office remains open and functioning with remaining staff.

John Labriola
International Village President

Monday, August 6, 2018

Candidates Forum for Congressional and School Board candidates

International Village will be hosting a Candidates Forum for Congressional and School Board candidates this Tuesday, Aug. 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the clubhouse, 3700 Inverrary Dr.

Come meet your candidates for the 20th Congressional District and At-Large School Board election before casting your vote in this month’s election.

You will have the chance to listen to and ask questions of Congressman Alcee Hastings and his primary challenger Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, as well as School Board member Donna Korn and her challengers Elijah Manley and Ryan Petty.

All Broward County registered voters are eligible to vote in this month’s At-Large School Board election, which will share the ballot with a referendum on a proposed school district-wide tax increase. The forum is your chance to ask the candidates their position on the proposed tax hike and how they intend to spend all the extra money if they are elected.

Complimentary coffee and cake will be served.

So come to the Candidates Forum this Tuesday and get informed before you vote!

View the flyer.

John Labriola
International Village President