The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Fiber optic update/Happy Easter!

After a year of work, AT&T has informed us that their fiber optic installation project is complete, as fiber optic cable has now been run through all the buildings and into a small box outside every unit’s door. Although AT&T had originally advised us that they would be running the fiber directly into each apartment, they have now told us that this will only happen when a client calls for service or when the association signs a bulk deal with AT&T, should we decide to do so in 2020 at the expiration of our current bulk service contract with Comcast. That means AT&T will not be entering any apartment units at this time unless a resident calls to sign up for service at their own expense.

As a reminder, this approximately $200,000 fiber optic installation project was free to the association. Not only did AT&T pay for the entire infrastructure project, but the association also received a $30,000 payment from AT&T for allowing them to do the installation. That’s because AT&T is under federal mandate to install fiber optics in 13 million homes by 2020. Regarding the damage caused to many building ceiling tiles as a result of the project, AT&T has informed us that they will be replacing those tiles at their own expense as well as repairing any other damage that may have been caused by the project.

I’d also like to address a false rumor that residents must return their Comcast cable boxes because AT&T has supposedly become our bulk service provider. This is not true. The association’s current bulk service contract with Comcast does not expire until 2020. At that time, the association will have the opportunity to switch to AT&T or negotiate a lower rate with Comcast, among other options. In the meantime, any resident wishing to switch to AT&T to take advantage of the new fiber optics has the option to sign up with them at their own expense, as mentioned earlier. 

Finally, I wish everyone a very happy and blessed Easter and Passover and invite you to attend our Easter party this Saturday at 6 p.m. in the clubhouse, with buffet style food, traditional costumes and musical performances.

Best wishes,

John Labriola
International Village President