The #1 blog of International Village Condominium Association in Inverrary, Fla., keeping unit owners informed about important issues affecting the community

Monday, March 9, 2015

Forward as One Community

Serving as president of an organization the size of International Village is no small job, but it’s a lot less daunting when your predecessor has done most of the heavy lifting. As I begin my term as President of International Village, I feel very fortunate, not to mention honored, to follow in the footsteps of Marcio Jaspan, who nominated me to serve as his successor last week due to his increasingly busy work schedule. Marcio, who led International Village successfully through one of its most challenging and transformative years, has paved a path of progress that will make the journey forward that much easier, and I look forward to continue working with him in his new role as Treasurer, as well as with Duv Wolff as Vice President, Carl Simmonds as Secretary, Hayden Joseph as Assistant Treasurer and Luis Jimenez as our newest Board member, to keep International Village moving in the right direction. 

My number one goal as President, as it has been as Treasurer, will be to keep saving money so we can continue reducing maintenance fees while making the necessary investments to improve our property values and quality of life. An equally important though less tangible goal is to continue to foster a sense of unity. As President, my job is to represent all the owners, not just the 80 percent who voted for me in last month’s election. This is one community, and we all have a vested interest in seeing it prosper, so let’s work together with a renewed sense of cooperation to make International Village the best place it can be. 

On a somewhat related note, as I mentioned last month we are still accepting proxies from unit owners who have not yet voted on the proposed amendments to the association's governing documents. The new deadline for submitting your three-page pink proxy is Tuesday, March 31. (If you already turned it in, there is no need to obtain or submit another one.)

I look forward to your continued involvement and suggestions.

John Labriola
International Village President